Rescuegrass-Grass Family


Bromus catharticus


Characteristics.  This South American annual was introduced and is cultivated as winter forage in the southern United States.  Once seed germination occurs in the fall growth is slow through the winter and then greatly accelerated in the spring and summer months.  If mowed, harvested or grazed growth continues into the fall.  This grass has escaped and is a common weed pest in landscaping and cultivated fields.

Identifying Characteristics.  Rescuegrass may also grow as a short lived perennial reaching to 40 inches tall.  Leaf blades are from 8 to 12 inches long and 3/8 to ½ inches wide and rough to sparsely hairy. This is very similar in appearance to California brome.



The inflorescence is open and up to 8 inches long with 3/4 to 1 inch, flat broad typically awnless spiklets. The individual seeds are sharply keeled.