Chapter 5. Porcupines, Coyotes, Deer, Bats


Porcupines-Erethizon dorsatum



Description. Most porcupines are tropical; however,  Erethizon dorsatum has adapted to survive in extreme cold conditions, up to the tree line in far northern areas. The porcupine is a rodent. It has black to brownish-yellow fur and strong, short legs. It has hairless soles on its feet that help it climb trees. It has a round body, small ears and a small head. The most recognizable feature of the porcupine is its quills.


Adult porcupines have approximately 30,000 large quills covering the dorsal and tail regions. More slender and elongated quills blanket the shoulders and sides of the body. Quills are hidden under long, white-tipped guard hairs until animals are agitated or in a warning posture. Guard hairs serve to protect the animals from precipitation and snow while tactilely sensing the surrounding environment. These hairs are black, brown, or chestnut in color, 6 to10 inches long, and give porcupines a fluffy appearance.  




                                                                                                  Adult Porcupine. Image en Wikipedia.


 Porcupines have several adaptations for climbing trees to reach food. Both front and hind feet have extremely long claws protruding from the toes that can be inserted into tree bark crevices to aid in climbing. The four claws on the front feet and five claws on the hind feet are used as a grooming comb. They are long enough to extend through the quill layer to the skin. Front claws are used to manipulate foods, such as fruits and small branches, and to pull tree branches into feeding range. Front and hind footpads resemble rubber with a pebble-like texture from structures called tuberosities, which are used to increase friction against the tree trunk. While climbing stiff, backward-pointing bristles on the underside of the tail are pressed against tree bark. This provides an anchor and prevents downward sliding.


An additional adaptation for climbing is the absence of an external male penis and a membrane covering the female vagina. These characteristics make it difficult to distinguish males from females by casual observation. Depending on the areas and season the body weight of porcupines can vary


M ale porcupines may average 13 to 25 pounds while females averaged 11 to 16 pounds. Weight varies by season since porcupines store a considerable amount of body fat at the beginning of winter and lose all stored fat by spring. The average length of a mature adult varies from 25½ to 36½ inches. Weight variation from young to mature adults varies from 7¾ to 39 pounds. Tail lengths, which are critical for defense from predators, range from5¾ to 11¾ inches.


Distribution. Porcupines are found throughout Canada and the western United States.  Originally from South America, porcupines are an ecologically adaptable species, spreading as far north as Alaska. They are found in deciduous forests, low deserts such as the Mojave in California, high desert regions of the Great Plains, and coniferous forests throughout the western states. Porcupine presence is detected by identifying pellets or scats beneath feeding or resting trees. Another distinguishing feature of porcupine presence is discarded “niptwigs” on the ground underneath a feeding tree. Nip twigs are terminal twigs stripped of leaf blades and discarded. Niptwigs often are eaten by deer and other mammals.


Seasonal Activity. .  Porcupine dens are used for temporary shelter from rain, snow, and insects or for protection during winter. The two types of dens, pre-winter and winter are different in structure and location. Pre-winter dens are typically located close to roosting or feeding sites and consist primarily of hollow trees. Winter dens are generally rock crevices in steep-sloped areas and located away from these sites. A string of below freezing temperature days stimulates porcupines to enter a permanent den.  In winter dens porcupines commonly come out to feed at night.  If rock crevices are not available, caves, live hollow trees, hollow logs, human outbuildings, and thickly branched crowns of evergreens are also used.  Some animals remain outside all year, especially in areas where evergreens and crevices are not present.  Hemlock and Douglas fir are convenient food source. Porcupines do not use bedding or nesting material in the den but, instead, prefer a clean dry floor. Large accumulations of feces occur since dens are used year after year. In moist, temperate climates, feces are decomposed by mites; however, in dry, arid climates, accumulated feces form into an extremely hard concrete-like mass.  A series of days where temperatures are above freezing and decreased snow pack typically stimulate emergence from winter dens.


Porcupines are nocturnal animals and active all year. However, much time is spent resting in trees called “rest trees.” Use of a den or rest tree is evident by the presence of broken quills, recent scats, and the pungent odor of urine. Rest trees are a critical component of their habitat, even during adverse winter weather conditions. These trees may be deciduous or conifer species but a common characteristic is a dense crown that provides cover and protection from predators.




                                                                                   Porcupine in a Rest Tree.  Image Courtesy en Wikipedia.


During spring and early summer, porcupines gorge on a variety plants in preparation for the winter: however, in deciduous forests, porcupines do not need ground vegetation to compliment their diet, although some highly preferred foods, such as raspberry leaves, are readily consumed if available


Spring feeding on ground forage is controlled by snow cover. When there is no snow cover, porcupines feed exclusively on whatever ground vegetation is available and edible. Dietary items include grasses, flowers, dandelions, flowering herbs, and various other vegetation. Porcupines in western Douglas fir-juniper forests feed on ground vegetation in spring and return to a diet of tree bark and evergreen needles in the fall. . Southwest porcupines will eat shrubs such as gooseberry, plums, chokecherry, buffaloberry, elder, black haw, raspberry canes, and buckbrush. Herbaceous plants in their diets include geranium, lupine, cinquefoil, wyethia, and lousewart. Porcupines gain weight rapidly in the spring, feeding on nitrogen-rich forage. High nitrogen intake and changing climate trigger winter fur molting. The molting process is completed in a matter of days, leaving only the guard hairs, quills, and tail bristles. This rich spring diet has other consequences—a loss of sodium and subsequent desire for salt.


Porcupines alter their feeding behavior in response to seasonal plant species changes and food resource availability. During summer, ground vegetation (skunk cabbage, clover, lupines) comprises up to 85 percent of the porcupine diet. The remaining 15 percent is tree-gathered material, primarily bark. These herbaceous animals feed primarily on inner tree bark, twigs, and leaves with a preference for Ponderosa pine, aspen, willow, and cottonwoods. Porcupines prefer trees with a thin, smooth bark as opposed to a thicker bark.  Hence, young trees with thin palatable barks are often targets for foraging porcupines.


During fall, porcupines substantially increase their intake of tree-gathered materials for forage to approximately 72 percent. Ground vegetation becomes less prevalent due to declining nutrient content and lower availability because of snow cover. Porcupines in deciduous forests commonly remain within a small home-range area all year long due to abundant food sources. However, in western mountainous regions porcupines have much larger home range and wander extensively to fulfill nutritional requirements.


In winter, porcupines feed exclusively on tree materials such as tree bark, twigs, buds, and evergreen needles. Specific tree species used for winter food vary between vegetative community types.  Porcupines cannot travel easily through snow. Therefore, winter activity and feeding can be as much as 90 percent less than spring and summer activity. Winter home-range is considerably smaller than summer home-range areas.


Porcupines find salt in salt-enriched soils, plants, road salt, wood, and various other items. These animals have been reported eating mud in salty-soil areas and wading in ponds to consume various plants, such as yellow water lily and aquatic liverwort, which have high salt concentrations. Rock salt, left over from salting winter roads to improve travel, is another source. Plywood, human-handled wood posts and timbers, fresh animal bones, old shoes and boots, paint, and the outer bark of trees contain sources of salt as well. Any object impregnated with urine also attracts porcupines because of the salt content.


General Biology.  Prior to engaging in a fight, porcupines will warn their attackers by displaying their quills, omitting threatening vocalizations, and producing an offensive odor. Porcupines use their quills as a last resort for defense.


Teeth clattering also warns potential predators. Porcupines deliberately shiver their bodies and simultaneously close their jaws, causing the incisors and cheek teeth to vibrate against one another. If all three warnings are ignored, porcupines use their quills when attacked. Quill tips have tiny fish-hook barbs that make removal difficult. The upper tail surface has short black quills that are much more dangerous than the longer back and neck quills. The porcupine cannot shoot its quills. When a predator approaches, the porcupine will turn its back, raise the quills and lash out at the threat with its tail. If the porcupine hits an animal with its quills, the quills become embedded in the animal. Body heat makes the barbs expand and they become even more deeply embedded in the animal's skin. If an animal is hit in a vital place it may die. There are documented cases where a quill has perforated a man’s intestine and caused death. Infections seldom occur from embedded quills since they have antibiotic properties.


Porcupines are very vocal during mating season. Males often fight over females. The male performs an elaborate dance and sprays urine over the head of the female. Mating typically occurs in the fall and seven months later the female gives birth to a single baby. When the baby is born, its quills are soft. They harden about an hour after birth. The baby is begins to forage for food after only a couple of days.


The quills, developed at birth, are not injurious to the mother because of protection from the placental sac and the main moisture content of new quills. Newborn porcupines are fully developed at birth, usually weighing about one pound. They grow rapidly, doubling their weight in about two weeks. Although young porcupines can flick their tails within an hour after birth, their best defense is hiding. Young porcupines are essentially odorless, making it difficult for predators to locate them. In addition, defecation is stimulated by the mother during this early period, and the droppings are eaten to eliminate any fecal odor, which may attract predators. When old enough to climb, young porcupines spend more time in trees as evidenced by the accumulation of tiny droppings under trees. Porcupines normally give birth to only one offspring each year. The female nurses the young from a pair of nipples located under the armpits and another pair on the abdomen. The female sits upright on her haunches and tail, allowing the newborn access to her quill-free abdomen. Nursing lasts approximately four months, following the 9 month gestation period. 


Adult females do not wander far from the offspring during the first 6 weeks after birth. Young porcupines can climb small sapling-size trees, but these smaller trees are often difficult for adults to climb. Therefore, mother and infant meet only at night on the ground. Generally, though, adult females sleep in a resting tree during the day, with the baby hidden on the ground in hollow bases of trees, rock crevices, under fallen tree trunks, and in slash piles.


As young porcupines mature, the separation distance between mothers and their offspring increases during the day due to greater travel distances. At night, however, mothers always return to the young from distances as far away as a half mile. While accompanying their mothers, young porcupines learn locations of food trees, dens, shelters, and hiding places. Weaning occurs at the end of the mating season in late fall. Male offspring may remain within the mother’s home range in the fall, but females generally leave. Young porcupines spend their first winter alone and reach sexual maturity

during the third year after birth. Males commonly mate with more than one female to ensure species perpetuity. This is important since reproductive rates are low.


Porcupines have generally low mortality rates, with an average life span of seven to eight years. Common causes of mortality are disease, winter stress, injury, and human predation. Scabies, caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei, causes high mortality among porcupines; other parasites include lice, ticks, tapeworms, and nematodes. In severe winters, porcupines die from prolonged sub-zero temperatures and heavy snow pack, which limits access to food material. In some cases, porcupines injure themselves falling out of trees.


Porcupines have few natural predators, although fishers are probably the most efficient at killing porcupines. Fishers can overturn a porcupine easily, exposing the unquilled ventral side to a fatal attack. However, fishers are often fatally injured during this encounter. Other natural predators include mountain lions, bobcats, horned owls, coyotes, fox, black bear and marten.



                                                                                                                                          Adult Fisher.


Economic Impact. Economic losses from porcupines feeding on forest plantations, ornamental trees, and fruit orchards and damage to human articles containing salts can be considerable.  They usually are tolerated except where high-value ornamental plantings, commercial timber, nursery stock, or orchard trees are damaged by girdling, basal gnawing, or branch clipping. Often, tree diameter growth is restricted or young saplings are killed from their feeding.


Most porcupine feeding on mature trees occurs in the crown where preference for leaves, terminal twigs, and young bark prevails  This type of feeding activity does not kill the tree, but it causes lateral branching in various directions where terminal branches are removed. Successive years of pruning terminal branches result in short growth form with several twisted, odd-shaped limbs. Trees that develop an “eerie” growth form due to porcupine impact are commonly called “witch trees.” Trees most susceptible to mortality are young saplings where porcupine feeding on the ground results in basal girdling. Porcupine feeding activities can influence the structure and plant species composition of the forest, especially near their winter dens. Since porcupines feed close to winter dens and occupy the same dens each year, trees in these areas sustain heavy impact year after year. Although in some situations, this impact may result in long-term ecological diversification of forest vegetation. In this scenario, trees preferred for feeding are suppressed, allowing non-preferred tree species to compete for existing soil and water resources. Eventually, this results in a more diverse plant community structure.


In addition, feeding in the canopy of mature trees reduces canopy cover, permits more light penetration to the forest floor, and stimulates more herbaceous understory plant production. A more diverse understory plant community can provide better habitat conditions for wildlife species such as ruffed grouse, snowshoe hare, white-tailed deer, moose, morning warbler, yellowthroat, and a variety of other songbirds and small mammals. Porcupines also provide another benefit to forest birds by providing shelter and nest sites in hollow tree trunks. Porcupine feeding activities may expose the tree’s heartwood area where sap and soft inner plant tissue attract insects used by birds as a food source.


One study claims that a single porcupine could destroy approximately $6,000 worth of timber during its lifetime. Researchers claimed the majority of damage was due to girdling of Ponderosa pine seedlings, with lesser damage to lodge pole pine, white fir, Douglas fir, and spruce. Timber companies frequently cite porcupines for extensive damage to commercial plantations but rarely describe the location and size of the damaged area, methods used to estimate damage losses, and considerations of other potential forest animals as perpetrators of tree damage. Before blaming porcupines, other potential causes of damage (such as deer, rabbits, drought, fungi, insects, excessive soil temperatures, and competition from invasive plants) should be considered.


 Other economic losses from porcupines include damage to ornamental trees planted around summer cabins, vacation homes, and rural homesteads. In some areas, damage to fruit and nut orchard plantations by porcupines can be extensive. There also have been reports of porcupines damaging corn, small grains, and alfalfa fields.


Legal Status.  Many states have adopted protective measures for porcupines because of their vulnerability to human harvesting.  Others classify porcupines as a “predatory animal” and can be taken without a license in any manner and at any time of the year.


                                                                     Prevention and Management Techniques. 


Prevention. Generally, any forest management technique that perpetuates closed canopy tree stands reduces porcupine populations. In closed canopy tree stands there is limited understory herbaceous vegetation, resulting in reduced food for porcupines. These conditions restrict porcupine numbers by reducing reproductive potential, encourage development of larger home-range areas, and increase winter mortality from stress-related causes due to nutritional deficiencies. Recent theories suggest practices that open canopy cover, such as prescribed burning and timber harvest, result in more favorable habitat conditions and attract natural porcupine predators. Increased predator densities may suppress porcupine populations as well.


Fencing. Fencing is a preventive measure with limited application due to the high cost of materials. However, fencing can be cost-effective where potential economic losses may be great such as in research areas, commercial tree plantations, and fruit or nut orchards. Fencing porcupines from small tree plantings, orchards and gardens can be done with some small alterations. Porcupines can climb fences, but an overhanging wire strip around the top of the fence at a 65 degree angle to the upright wire will discourage them. A combination fence of 18 inch poultry wire topped with a smooth electric wire 1 1/2 “ above will deter animals. A 4 to 6 inch high electric fence painted with molasses has also been shown to be barriers around orchards, plantations and gardens. Individual trees can be enclosed with 30” wire baskets or bands of aluminum flashing


Repellents. There is a capsaicin-based hot sauce repellent (Miller’s Hot Sauce) that is registered to protect plastic tubing from porcupines. Another repellent, Thiram, which is registered for squirrels and rabbits, may also repel porcupines. Thiram is sprayed or painted on plants to prevent damage. Exterior plywood painted with wood preservative will sometime deter porcupines from gnawing. Exterior plywood can be coated with common wood preservatives to deter chewing, but this is not 100 percent effective. A better solution is to provide an alternative salt source, since chewing on plywood is done mainly to satisfy a salt craving. A short picket fence made from salt-impregnated wood sticks offers a good “salt lick” for porcupines.


Biological Options. One researcher in the Southwest suggested that porcupines inflict more damage to trees when livestock overgrazing removes preferred summer forage. Assuming this relationship exists, light livestock grazing may be used as a tool to stimulate more herbaceous forage production (used by porcupines as a food source), therefore relieving porcupine damage to trees in the area.


Enhancing natural predator numbers is another biological control option to consider. Over time, unrestricted trapping and excessive killing of natural predators, such as the fisher, coyote, and mountain lion, may have promoted higher porcupine numbers. Recently, fishers have been released in California, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Michigan, Wisconsin, New York, and Vermont to re-establish original numbers. These releases were not conducted to control porcupine populations specifically; however, Michigan researchers report that fishers appear to be impacting porcupine numbers.


Live Trapping.  Live trapping porcupines is easy and effective for individual animals damaging gardens, small orchards, or ornamental trees. Commercial cage traps or homemade box traps baited with salt-soaked materials work well in damage areas. Once trapped, animals should be relocated at least 25 miles away in suitable habitat to prevent their return. Porcupines also can be caught by inverting a garbage can over them, sliding the lid under the can, and turning the can upright. A cone constructed of wire fencing material and inverted over the animal works as well. A piece of plywood can be slid under the wire cone before inverting the cone. With any live trapping method, avoid the tail area and use thick rubber gloves to handle the animal.

                                                                                                              Direct Control.

Shooting.  Non-lethal techniques to control problem porcupines are always the preferred approach. But, in some cases of extensive damage or where non-lethal techniques are ineffective on individual problem animals, lethal control techniques must be considered.


Porcupines are considered non-game animals and are not protected. However, this unassuming and mild mannered creature should be controlled by other non-lethal methods before resorting to shooting. Lethal control should be limited to individual animals causing the damage.

However, shooting is effective when justified. Hunting during late-spring and summer is an effective time for harvesting animals feeding on herbaceous ground vegetation, irrigated crops, and orchard trees. Hunting during the fall and early winter may also reduce colonization; however, this usually has less impact on porcupine populations than summer shooting.


Poisoning.  There are no registered toxicants to use in controlling porcupines.


Trapping.  Porcupines are easy to live trap in commercial wire cage traps, which are readily available at feed, hardware and garden supply stores. The best bait is strips of plywood or other absorbent woods, cloths, or sponges soaked in salt water. Where legal No. 2 or 3 steel leg hold traps are effective or No. 220 or 330  Conibear body gripping traps baited with salted objects are equally effective.  Traps should be placed near the entrance of active dens or along well-used trails.





Identification. Coyotes are readily recognizable to the average individual. The coyote is a medium-sized member of the dog family that also includes wolves and foxes. With its pointed ears, slender muzzle, and drooping bushy tail, the coyote often resembles a German shepherd or collie. Coyotes are usually a grayish brown with reddish tinges behind the ears and around the face, but coloration can vary from a silver-gray to black. Most have dark or black guard hairs over their back and tail. The tail usually has a black tip.  Eyes are a striking yellow, with large dark pupils, rather than brown like many dogs. While coyotes are capable of interbreeding with domestic dogs, hybrids (known as coydogs) are generally rare. Most adults weigh between 25 and 35 lbs., although their heavy coats often make them appear larger. There have been suggestions that urban coyotes are larger than rural coyotes, but we have seen no evidence of this.



                                                                                         A Coyote.  Image Courtesy Justin Johnsom, Wikipedia


Range. Historically, coyotes were found in the western states. Over the last 50 years they have extended their range to cover most of North America. Coyotes live in almost any habitat in California from arid deserts to coastal regions. They are not as common in densely forested areas or planted agricultural situations due to decreased food sources. Coyotes are both transient and territorial dependent upon food resources, breeding time, and pup rearing. Where food is readily available territories are smaller. Territories can range 15 square miles to 1 to 3 square miles, and even one quarter of a square mile. Packs consist of up to 10 individuals. A dominant pair may share its area with juvenile offspring. Coyotes are not as social as wolves and can live successfully as solitary individuals.

Habitat . Many references indicate that coyotes were originally found in relatively open habitats, particularly the grasslands and sparsely wooded areas of the western United States. Coyotes have adapted to and now exist in virtually every type of habitat, arctic to tropic, in North America. Coyotes live in deserts, swamps, tundra, grasslands, brush, dense forests, from below sea level to high mountain ranges, and at all intermediate altitudes. High densities of coyotes also appear in the suburbs of Los Angeles, Orange County, Pasadena, Phoenix, and other western cities.

Food Habits.  Coyotes are quite omnivorous feeding on a wide variety of fruit, vegetable, meat, other food products. Rabbits and ground squirrels top the list of their dietary components. Carrion, rodents, ungulates (usually fawns), insects, as well as livestock and poultry, are also consumed. Coyotes readily eat fruits such as watermelons, berries, and other vegetative matter when they are available. In some areas coyotes feed on human refuse at dump sites and readily capture and consumes pets (cats and dogs).

Coyotes prefer prey that is the easiest to secure including the young or wild animals, inexperienced animals, as well as old, sick, or weakened individuals. With domestic animals, coyotes are capable of catching and killing healthy, young, and in some instances adult prey.  They are very cunning, something selecting their prey based on behavioral characteristics. For example, strong healthy lambs are often taken from a flock by even though smaller, weaker lambs are also present. Usually, the stronger lamb is on the periphery and is more active, making it more prone to attack than a weaker lamb that is at the center of the flock and relatively immobile.

Coyotes are presently the most abundant livestock predators in western North America, causing the majority of sheep, goat and cattle losses. For example: according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service, coyotes were responsible for 60.5% of the 224,000 sheep deaths that were attributed to predation in 2004.[50] However the total number of sheep deaths in 2004 comprised only 2.22% of the total sheep and lamb population in the United States.  According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service USDA report, "All sheep and lamb inventory in the United States on July 1, 2005, totaled 7.80 million head, 2 percent above July 1, 2004. Breeding sheep inventory at 4.66 million head on July 1, 2005 was 2 percent above July 1, 2004. By virtue of the fact that coyote populations are typically many times greater and more widely distributed than those of wolves, coyotes cause more overall predation losses. However, an Idaho census taken in 2005 showed that individual coyotes were one-twentieth as likely to attack livestock as individual wolves.

Coyotes will typically bite the throat just behind the jaw and below the ear when attacking adult sheep or goats, with death commonly resulting from suffocation. Blood loss is usually a secondary cause of death. Calves and heavily-fleeced sheep are killed by attacking the flanks or hind-quarters, causing shock and blood loss. When attacking smaller prey, such as young lambs, the kill is made by biting the skull and spinal regions, causing massive tissue damage. Small or young prey may be completely carried off, leaving only blood as evidence of a kill. Coyotes will usually leave the hide and most of the skeleton of larger animals relatively intact, unless food is scarce, in which case they may leave only the largest bones. Scattered bits of wool, skin and other parts are characteristic where coyotes feed extensively on larger carcasses.

Coyote predation can usually be distinguished from dog or coydog predation by the fact that coyotes partially consume their victims. Tracks are also an important factor in distinguishing coyote from dog predation. Coyote tracks tend to be more oval-shaped and compact than those of domestic dogs, plus, claw marks are less prominent and the tracks tend to follow a straight line more closely than those of dogs. With the exception of sight hounds, most dogs of similar weight to coyotes have a slightly shorter stride.  Coyote kills can be distinguished from wolf kills by the fact that there is less damage to the underlying tissues. Also, coyote scats tend to be smaller than wolf scats.

Coyotes are often attracted to dog food and animals that are small enough to appear as prey. Items like garbage, pet food and sometimes feeding stations for birds and squirrels will attract coyotes into backyards. Approximately 3 to 5 pets attacked by coyotes are brought into the Animal Urgent Care hospital of south Orange County (California) each week, the majority of which are dogs, since cats typically do not survive the attacks. Scat analysis collected near Claremont, California revealed that coyotes relied heavily on pets as a food source in winter and spring.  At one location in Southern California, coyotes began relying on a colony of feral cats as a food source. Over time, the coyotes killed most of the cats, and then continued to eat the cat food placed daily at the colony site by citizens who were maintaining the cat colony. Coyotes attack smaller or similar sized dogs, and they have been known to attack even large, powerful breeds like the Rottweiler in exceptional cases. Dogs larger than coyotes are generally able to drive them off, and have been known to kill coyotes. Smaller breeds are more likely to suffer injury or death.

Other factors come into play as far as when coyote predation typically occurs. With livestock coyote predation on livestock typically more commonly occurs during early spring and summer rather than the winter. Livestock is usually under more intensive management during winter, either in feedlots or in pastures.  This typically equates to nearby human activity, a situation that some coyotes attempt to avoid.  Also coyotes, as with most predators, produce their young in the spring and raise them through the summer, a process that demands increased nutritional input. This increased demand corresponds to the time when young sheep or beef calves are on pastures or rangeland and are most vulnerable to attack. Coyote predation also may increase during fall when young coyotes disperse from their home ranges and establish new territories.

General Biology, Reproduction, and Behavior. Coyotes are mostly nocturnal and or crepuscular (early morning hours).  This is especially true in urban situations or other situations where human activity occurs, and during hot summer months. Where there is minimal human interference and during cool weather, they may be active throughout the day.

The coyote is one of the few wild animals whose vocalizations are commonly heard. At night coyotes both howl (a high quavering cry) and emit a series of short, high-pitched yips. Howls are used to keep in touch with other coyotes in the area. Sometimes, when it is first heard, the listener may experience a tingling fear of primitive danger, but to the seasoned outdoorsman, the howl of the coyote is truly a song of the West.

Howling also is an announcement that “I am here and this is my area. Other males are invited to stay away but females are welcome to follow the sound of my voice. Please answer and let me know where you are so we don't have any unwanted conflicts.”Yelping is a celebration or criticism within a small group of coyotes. This is often heard during play among pups or young anim. The bark is thought to be a threat display when a coyote is protecting a den or a kill. Huffing - is usually used for calling pups without making a great deal of noise.

Coyotes rest and sleep in sheltered areas but do not generally use dens except when raising young. They possess excellent eyesight and hearing with a keen sense of smell. They are very tough and hardy with excellent recuperative powers.  They are quite fleet of foot  having been measured at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour and can sustain slower speeds for several miles.

As with dogs distemper, hepatitis, parvo virus, and mange are among the most common coyote diseases. Rabies and tularemia also occur and may be transmitted to other animals and humans. They are susceptible numerous parasites including mites, ticks, fleas, worms, and flukes. Mortality is highest during the first year of life, and few survive for more than 10 to 12 years in the wild. Human activity is often the greatest single cause of coyote mortality.

At the beginning of the mating season in January, several lone male coyotes may gather around a female to court her, but she will form a relationship with only one of them. The male and female desert coyote may travel together before mating in January or February.

The female bears one litter of 3 to 9 puppies a year, usually in April or May when food is abundant. The gestation period is from 63 to 65 days. The pups are born blind in a natal den, but their eyes open after about 14 days and they emerge from the den a few days later. They suckle for 5 to 7 weeks, and start eating semi-solid food after 3 weeks. While the male helps support the family with regurgitated food, the mother does not allow him to come all the way into the den. The pups live and play in the den until they are 6 to 10 weeks old, when the mother starts taking them out hunting in a group. The family gradually disbands, and by fall the pups are usually hunting alone. Within a year, they go their own way, staking out their own territory, marked with the scent of their urine.

As noted earlier, coyotes are capable of hybridizing with dogs and wolves, but this is unlikely. When interbreeding with domestic dogs occurs survival of the offspring is low. Typically, coy-dogs’ breeding cycles do not correspond to coyotes’ thus further breeding with coyotes is unlikely even though coy-dogs are able to reproduce.

Coyote dens are found in steep banks, rock crevices, sinkholes, and underbrush, as well as in open areas. Usually their dens are in areas selected for protective concealment. Den sites are typically located less than a mile (km) from water, but may occasionally be much farther away. Coyotes will often dig out and enlarge holes dug by smaller burrowing animals. Dens vary from a few feet to 50 feet and may have several openings.

Both adult male and female coyotes hunt and bring food to their young for several weeks. Other adults associated with the denning pair may also help in feeding and caring for the young. Coyotes commonly hunt as singles or pairs; extensive travel is common in their hunting forays. They will hunt in the same area regularly, however, if food is plentiful. They occasionally bury food remains for later use.

Pups begin emerging from their den by 3 weeks of age, and within 2 months they follow adults to large prey or carrion. Pups normally are weaned by 6 weeks of age and frequently are moved to larger quarters such as dense brush patches and/or sinkholes along water courses. The adults and pups usually remain together until late summer or fall when pups become independent. Occasionally pups are found in groups until the breeding season begins. The U.S. government routinely shoots, poisons, traps and kills 90,000 coyotes each year to protect livestock.

                                                                                                                            Coyotes in Urban Situations.

Despite being extensively hunted, the coyote is one of the few medium-to-large-sized animals that have enlarged its range since human encroachment began. It originally ranged primarily in the western half of North America, but it has adapted readily to the changes caused by human occupation and, since the early 19th century, has been steadily and dramatically extending its range. Sightings now commonly occur in Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, California, Oregon, New England, New Jersey, Ohio, and eastern Canada. Coyotes have been seen in nearly every continental U.S. state, and also Alaska. Coyotes have moved into most of the areas of North America formerly occupied by wolves, and are often observed foraging in suburban garbage bins.

Coyotes also thrive in suburban settings and even some urban ones. A study by wildlife ecologists at Ohio State University yielded some surprising findings in this regard. Researchers studied coyote populations in Chicago over a seven-year period (2000–2007), proposing that coyotes have adapted well to living in densely populated urban environments while avoiding contact with humans. They found, among other things, that urban coyotes tend to live longer than their rural counterparts, kill rodents and small pets, and live anywhere from parks to industrial areas. The researchers estimate that there are up to 2,000 coyotes living in "the greater Chicago area" and that this circumstance may well apply to many other urban landscapes in North America. In Washington DC's Rock Creek Park, coyotes den and raise their young, scavenge road kill, and hunt rodents. "I don't see it as a bad thing for a park," the assigned National Park Service biologist told a reporter for Smithsonian Magazine ". I see it as good for keeping animal populations in control, like the squirrels and the mice."

As a testament to the coyote's habitat adaptability, a coyote nicknamed "Hal" made his way to New York City's Central Park in March 2006, wandering about the park for at least two days before being captured by officials. New York's parks commissioner Adrian Benepe noted this coyote had to be very "adventurous" and "curious" to get so far into the city.  In February 2010, up to three coyotes were spotted on the Columbia University campus, and another coyote sighting occurred in Central Park. An incident also occurred in April 2007 in the Chicago Loop district, where a coyote, later nicknamed "Adrian", quietly entered a Quizno's restaurant during the lunch hours; it was later captured and released at a wildlife rehab center near Barrington, Illinois.

Coyote attacks on humans are uncommon and rarely cause serious injuries, due to the relatively small size of the coyote. However, coyote attacks on humans have increased since 1998 in the state of California. Data from USDA Wildlife Services, the California Department of Fish & Game, and other sources show that while 41 attacks occurred during the period of 1988-1997, 48 attacks were verified from 1998 through 2003. The majority of these incidents occurred in Southern California near the suburban-wildland interface.

Due to an absence of harassment by residents, urban coyotes lose their natural fear of humans, which is further worsened by people intentionally feeding coyotes. In such situations, some coyotes have begun to act aggressively toward humans, chasing joggers and bicyclists, confronting people walking their dogs, and stalking small children. Like wolves, non-rabid coyotes usually target small children, mostly under the age of 10, though some adults have been bitten.

There are only two recorded fatalities in North America from coyote attacks.[ In 1981 in Glendale, California, a coyote attacked toddler Kelly Keen, who was rescued by her father, but died in surgery due to blood loss and a broken neck.  In October 2009, Taylor Mitchell, a 19-year-old folk singer on tour, died from injuries sustained in an attack by a pair of coyotes while hiking in the Skyline Trail of the Cape Breton Highlands National Park in Nova Scotia, Canada. Recent studies have shown however that the large northeastern coyotes responsible for this attack may in fact be coyote-wolf hybrids due to absorption of wolves when coyotes moved into eastern North America.

Humans increase the likelihood of conflicts with coyotes by deliberately or inadvertently feeding the animals, whether by handouts or by providing access to food sources such as garbage, pet food or livestock carcasses. When people provide food, coyotes quickly lose their natural fear of humans and become increasingly aggressive. They also become dependent on the easy food source people provide. Once a coyote stops hunting on its own and loses its fear of people, it becomes dangerous and may attack without warning.

Prevention is the best tool for minimizing conflicts with coyotes and other wildlife. To prevent conflicts with coyotes, the following management strategies around neighborhood communities should be encouraged.

Don’t leave small children unattended where coyotes are frequently seen or heard.  If there are coyote sightings in an area, children should be prepared for a possible encounter. The reasons why coyotes live in an area (habitat/food source species adaptability) and what should be done if one approaches (don’t run, be as big, mean, and loud as possible). By shouting a set phrase such as “go away coyote” when a coyote is encountered, children will inform nearby adults of the coyote’s presence as opposed to a general scream.

Never feed coyotes. Coyotes that are fed by people often lose their fear of humans and develop a territorial attitude that may lead to aggressive behavior.  If in a homeowner’s association or neighborhood watch, the subject should be discussed during one of the meetings.

Don’t give coyotes access to garbage. Garbage can lids should be kept on tight by securing them with rope, chain, bungee cords, or weights or use garbage cans with clamps or other mechanisms that hold lids on. To prevent tipping, secure the side handles to metal or wooden stakes driven into the ground or keep cans in tight-fitting bins, a shed, or a garage.

Prevent access to fruit and compost. Coyotes are omnivorous and will readily eat many types of food including fruit. Keep fruit trees fenced, or pick up fruit that falls to the ground. Keep compost piles within a fenced area or securely covered. Cover new compost material with soil or lime to prevent it from smelling. Never include animal matter in compost; it attracts coyotes. If burying food scraps, cover them with at least 12 inches of soil, and don’t leave any garbage above ground in the area.

Feed dogs and cats indoors.  If pets are feed outdoors pets do so in the morning or at midday, and water bowls, leftovers and spilled food should d be removed well before dark every day.

Don’t feed feral cats (domestic cats gone wild). Coyotes prey on these cats as well as any food provided for them. Prevent the buildup of feeder foods under bird feeders. Coyotes will eat bird food and are attracted to the many birds and rodents that come to feeders.

Keep dogs and cats indoors, especially from dusk to dawn. If left outside at night in an unprotected area, cats and small to mid-size dogs may be killed by coyotes. Pets can be easy prey for coyotes. Being raised by humans leaves them unsuspecting once they leave the safety of a home. If a dog or cat is lost to a coyote, neighbors should be notified. Once a coyote finds easy prey it will continually hunt in the area.

Modify the landscape around children’s play areas.  Shrubs and trees should be pruned several feet above ground level so coyotes can’t hide in them. Keep deterrents nearby in times of increased sightings. An old hockey stick, broom, or a pile of stones near the play area can help prepare children for an encounter and will remind them of effective encounter behavior.

Build a coyote-proof fence. Coyotes don’t leap fences in a single bound but, like domestic dogs, they grip the top with their front paws and kick themselves upward and over with the back legs. Their tendency to climb will depend on the individual animal and its motivation. A 5-foot woven-wire fence with extenders facing outward at the top of each post should prevent coyotes from climbing over.

However, all coyotes are excellent diggers, and an effective fence needs to extend at least 8 inches below the surface, or have a galvanized-wire apron that extends out from the fence at least 15 inches.

Electric fences can also keep coyotes out of an enclosed area. Such a fence doesn’t need to be as high as a woven-wire fence because a coyote’s first instinct will be to pass through the wires instead of jumping over them. Digging under electric fences usually doesn’t occur if the bottom wire is electrified.

Enclose poultry (chickens, ducks, and turkeys) in a secure outdoor pen and house. Coyotes will eat poultry and their eggs if they can get to them. Note: Other killers of poultry include foxes, skunks, raccoons, feral cats, dogs, bobcats, opossums, weasels, hawks, and owls.

To prevent coyotes from accessing birds in their night roosts, equip poultry houses with well-fitted doors and secure locking mechanisms. To prevent them from trying to go under the fence, stake the bottom of the fence flush to the ground, or line the bottom of the fence with bricks, fence posts, or similar items.

To prevent coyotes and other animals from accessing poultry during the day, completely enclose outdoor pens with 1-inch chicken wire placed over a sturdy wooden framework.

                                                                                      Coyotes in Rural and Agricultural Situations

Damage and Damage Identification. Coyotes feeding can be very destructive to livestock, poultry, and crops. In many cities of the United States they have become a major problem as their numbers have increased tremendously and their predation on pets has increased correspondingly. They sometimes are a threat to public health and safety when they frequent airport runways and residential areas, and act as carriers of rabies and other diseases as discussed above.  In rural areas, the primary concern regarding coyotes is predation on livestock, mainly sheep and lambs. Predation will be the focus of the following discussion.  


                          Coyote attacking sheep.  Image courtesy of USDA, Animal Plant Health   Inspection Service, Wildlife Research Center

In 1999, the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) surveyed producers and found that coyotes killed an estimated 165,800 sheep and lambs nationwide worth a total of $9.6 million.  Feral dogs and foxes accounted for an additional 49,400 lamb and sheep deaths worth $3.5 million.  In addition, coyotes, feral dogs, and foxes killed approximately 36,000 goats worth more than $1.8 million.

Coyotes and feral dogs also feed on cattle and calves.  The NASS survey found that coyotes killed an estimated 95,000 cattle and calves worth $31.8 million in 2000.  Feral dogs killed 26,000 cattle and calves worth $9.5 million.  
In addition, coyotes, foxes, and feral dogs kill thousands of chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and other birds every year.

Since coyotes frequently scavenge on livestock carcasses, the mere presence of coyote tracks or droppings near a carcass does not necessarily indicate that predation has occurred; however, there are other signs that may be present that can help in this determination. These may include scrapes or drag marks on the ground, broken vegetation, or blood in various places around the site. The quantity of sheep or calf remains left after a kill vary widely depending on how recently the kill was made, the size of the animal killed, the weather, and the number and species of predators that fed on the animal.

One key in determining if an animal was killed by a predator is the presence or absence of subcutaneous bleeding at the point of attack. The point is that if a dead animal is bitten by a predator bleeding does not occur. Talon punctures from large birds of prey will also cause hemorrhage, but the location of these is usually at the top of the head, neck, or back. If enough of the carcass remains the skin around the neck and head can be removed to examine for hemorrhaging around the puncture wounds.

This procedure becomes less indicative of predation as the age of the carcass increases or if the remains are scanty or scattered.

Coyotes, foxes, mountain lions, and bobcats usually feed on a carcass at the flanks or behind the ribs and first consume the liver, heart, lungs, and other viscera. Mountain lions often cover a carcass with debris after feeding on it. Bears generally prefer meat to viscera and often eat first the udder from lactating ewes. Eagles skin out carcasses on larger animals and leave much of the skeleton intact. With smaller animals such as lambs, eagles may bite off and swallow the ribs. Feathers and “whitewash” (droppings) are usually present where an eagle has fed.

Coyotes may kill more than one animal in a single episode, but often will only feed on one of the animals. Coyotes typically attack sheep at the throat, but young or inexperienced coyotes may attack any part of the body. Coyotes usually kill calves by eating into the anus or abdominal area.

Dogs generally do not kill sheep or calves for food and are relatively indiscriminate in how and where they attack. Sometimes, however, it is difficult to differentiate between dog and coyote kills without also looking at other sign, such as size of tracks (Fig. 2) and spacing and size of canine tooth punctures. Coyote tracks tend to be more oval-shaped and compact than those of common dogs. Nail marks are less prominent and the tracks tend to follow a straight line more closely than those of dogs. The average coyote’s stride at a trot is 16 to 18 inches (41 to 46 cm), which is typically longer than that of a dog of similar size and weight. Generally, dogs attack and rip the flanks, hind quarters, and head, and may chew ears. The sheep are sometimes still alive but may be severely wounded.

Accurately determining whether or not predation occurred and, if so, by what species, requires a considerable amount of knowledge and experience. Evidence must be gathered, pieced together, and then evaluated in light of the predators that are in the area, the time of day, the season of the year, and numerous other factors. Sometimes even experts are unable to confirm the cause of death, and it may be necessary to rely on circumstantial information.

Legal Status. The status of coyotes varies depending on state and local laws. In some states, including most western states, coyotes are classified as predators and can be taken throughout the year whether or not they are causing damage to livestock. In other states, coyotes may be taken only during specific seasons and often only by specific methods, such as trapping. Night shooting with a spotlight is usually illegal. Some state laws allow only state or federal agents to use certain methods (such as snares) to take coyotes. Some states have a provision for allowing the taking of protected coyotes (usually by special permit) when it has been documented that they are preying on livestock. In some instances producers can apply control methods, and in others, control must be managed by a federal or state agent.

Federal statutes that pertain to wildlife damage control include the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), which deals with using toxicants, and the Airborne Hunting Act, which regulates aerial hunting.

Laws regulating coyote control are not necessarily uniform among states or even among counties within a state, and they may change frequently. A 1989 Supreme Court action established that it was not legal to circumvent the laws relative to killing predators, even to protect personal property (livestock) from predation.

                                                                                     Damage Prevention and Control Methods

Success usually involves an integrated approach, combining good husbandry practices with effective control methods for short periods of time. Regardless of the means used to stop damage, the focus should be on damage prevention and control rather than elimination of coyotes. It is important to try to prevent coyotes from killing calves or sheep for the first time. Once a coyote has killed livestock, it will probably continue to do so if given the opportunity. Equally important is taking action as quickly as possible to stop coyotes from killing after they start.

Exclusion. Most coyotes readily cross over, under, or through conventional livestock fences. They are very intelligent and total exclusion of all coyotes by fencing is highly unlikely since some eventually learn to either dig deeper or climb higher to defeat a fence. Good fences, however, can be important in reducing predation

Net-Wire Fencing. Net fences in good repair will deter many coyotes from entering a pasture or any other are. Horizontal spacing of the mesh should be less than 6 inches and vertical spacing less than 4 inches. Digging under a fence can be discouraged by placing a barbed wire at ground level or using a buried wire apron. The fence should be about 5 1/2 feet (1.6 m) high to discourage coyotes from jumping over it. Climbing can usually be prevented by adding a charged wire at the top of the fence or installing a wire overhang.

Electric Fencing. Electric fencing, used for years to manage livestock, has recently been revolutionized by the introduction of new energizers and new fence designs from Australia and New Zealand. The chargers, now also manufactured in the United States, have high output with low impedance, are resistant to grounding, present a minimal fire hazard, and are generally safe for livestock and humans. The fences are usually constructed of smooth, high-tensile wire stretched to a tension of 200 to 300 pounds. The original design of electric fences for controlling predation consisted of multiple, alternately charged and grounded wires, with a charged trip wire installed just above ground level about 8 inches outside the main fence to discourage digging. Many recent designs have every wire charged.

Fence extensions.

Figure . Fence extensions are required to keep coyotes from jumping over a 5-foot fence. Angle the top of a woven-wire fence out about 15 inches and completely around the fence. An effective fence extends below the surface, or has a wire apron in front of it to prevent digging


                                                                    Figure. A six-wire electric fence can keep coyotes out of an enclosed area.

Two electrified wires, 8 and 15 inches above ground and offset from an existing wood fence by 12 inches will prevent coyotes from accessing the fence. A single strand may be sufficient, but two electrified wires will provide added insurance.

Coyotes and other predators occasionally become “trapped” inside electric fences. These animals receive a shock as they enter the pasture and subsequently avoid approaching the fence to escape. In some instances the captured predator may be easy to spot and remove from the pasture, but in others, particularly in large pastures with rough terrain, the animal may be difficult to remove.

The cost to completely replace old fences with new ones, whether conventional or electric, can be substantial. In instances where existing fencing is in reasonably good condition, the addition of one to several charged wires can significantly enhance the predator-deterring ability of the fence and its effectiveness for controlling livestock.  If coyotes are climbing or jumping a fence, charged wires can be added to the top and at various intervals. These wires should be offset outside the fence. Fencing companies offer offset brackets to make installation relatively simple. The number of additional wires depends on the design of the original fence and the predicted habits of the predators.

Portable Electric Fencing. The advent of safe, high-energy chargers has led to the development of a variety of portable electric fences. Most are constructed with thin strands of wire running through polyethylene twine or ribbon, commonly called polywire or polytape. The polywire is available in single and multiple wire rolls or as mesh fencing of various heights. It can be quickly and easily installed to serve as a temporary corral or to partition off pastures for controlled grazing.

Fencing is most likely to be cost-effective where the potential for predation is high, where there is potential for a high stocking rate, or where electric modification of existing fences can be used.

Fencing can be effective when incorporated with other means of control. For example, combined use of guarding dogs and fencing has achieved a greater degree of success than either method used alone. An electric fence may help keep a guarding dog in and coyotes out of a pasture. If an occasional coyote does pass through a fence, the guarding dog can keep it away from the livestock and alert the producer by barking.

                                                                                       Cultural Methods and Habitat Modification.

Flock or Herd Health. Healthy sheep flocks and cow/calf herds have higher reproductive rates and lower overall death losses. Coyotes often prey on smaller lambs. Poor nutrition means weaker or smaller young, with a resultant increased potential for predation. Ewes or cows in good condition through proper nutrition will raise stronger young that may be less vulnerable to coyote predation.

Altering Season of Lambing or Calving.  The highest predation losses of sheep and calves typically occur from late spring through September. This correlates to the mating habits of coyotes, namely coyotes are most actively seeking food sources for their pups. If possible lambing or calving program can be seasonally changed to not correlate with the same activity of the coyotes. Some livestock producers have not only been able to diversify their marketing program, but have also avoided having a large number of young animals on hand during periods when coyote predation losses are typically highest.

Producers who use lambing sheds or pens for raising sheep and small pastures or paddocks for raising cattle have lower predation losses than those who lamb or calve in large pastures or on open range. The more human presence around sheep, the lower the predation losses. Confining sheep entirely to buildings virtually eliminates predation losses.

Protective Enclosures, Especially at Night. As previously discussed coyotes are primarily night predators, It follow that one of the most effective means of preventing predation is confining sheep and other small animal in coyote proof sheltered location.  Lighted condition adds to the safety of these structures. Coyotes tend seek prey on foggy or rainy days than on sunny days. Keeping the sheep penned on foggy or rainy days may be helpful.

Removal Dead Animals.  Coyotes are basically scavengers and given a choice will feed more readily on an already dead animal than preying on a living animal.  However, carrion tends to attracts coyotes to a given area thus increasing the chance of predation.  Some growers feel that if an abundant amount of carrion is always present this will reduce predation.  Of course the problem arises if carrion becomes less available resulting in the already present coyotes turning to predation. A study in Canada showed that the removal of livestock carcasses significantly reduced overwinter coyote populations and shifted coyote distributions out of livestock areas.

Habitat Modification. As a rule, the more open the area where livestock are kept, the less likely that coyote losses will occur. Often junk piles are located near farmsteads. These serve as good habitat for rabbits and other prey and may bring coyotes into close proximity with livestock, increasing the likelihood for opportunistic coyotes to prey on available livestock. Removing junk piles may be a good management practice. In addition certain crops are more attractive to rabbits, ground squirrels and other small rodents (the chief prey of coyotes).  When possible removing any situation that increases the chance of a buildup of these rodents may reduce the presence of coyotes with subsequent predation on farm animals.

Frightening Devices and Repellents.  There are several devices that are available for attempting to coyotes from a given location.  Generally these can be effective provided a few criteria are met.  Coyotes once establish in a given area are much less likely to be “scared’ from that area than those that are new to the same area.  Coyotes eventually acclimate (get used to) to such devices over time.  As a consequence if a device is used continuously in the same area and/or location in that area over a long period of time it will eventually lose it effectiveness. Sporadically (at different intervals) using a variety of these devices in an area is far more effective than using one continuously.  Many frightening devices have been ridiculed in one way or another; nevertheless, all of the devices discussed below have met with varying degrees of success.

Vehicles. Parking cars or pickups in the area where losses are occurring often reduces predation temporarily. Effectiveness can be improved or extended by frequently moving the vehicle to a new location. Some producers place a replica of a person in the vehicle when losses are occurring in the daylight. If predators continue to kill with vehicles in place, the vehicle serves as a comfortable blind in which to wait and shoot offending predators.

Propane Exploders. Propane exploders or propane canons produce loud explosions with ignition of propane gas.  Generally speaking the time between explosions can vary from about 1 minute to 15 minutes. As with most frightening devices their effectiveness as a coyote deterrent is usually only temporary.  Also their effectiveness can be significantly increased by relocating the devices to different locations and by varying the intervals between explosions.  Ideally, the device should be turned on just before dark and off at daybreak, unless coyotes are killing livestock during daylight hours. Newer models are now suited with motion sensors which should increase the sensitivity and effectiveness of these devices. Most experts feel that exploders are best used as a temporary solution to coyote depredation.  As with most frightening devices a great deal of the success of these devices is dependent on the individuals using them.


                                                                                                                                 A Propane Canon.

 Electronic Guard. Developed by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services' (APHIS) Wildlife Services (WS) program, the Electronic Guard Frightening Device  combines two scare tactics, sound and light.  Although it was created by WS' National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) to protect sheep from coyote predation, the Electronic Guard can be used to protect other livestock and commodities from wildlife damage.


                                                                                         Figure. Electronic Guard Frightening Device. 

A light-sensing device activates the Electronic Guard at nightfall and turns it off after daybreak, thus operating the machine when predation is most likely to occur.  A timer regulates a siren and a strobe light--sometimes just flashing the light, sometimes just sounding the siren, and sometimes doing both at once.  This random arrangement helps keep potential predators at bay. NWRC's tests have shown that using the Electronic Guard can temporarily reduce predation an average of 80 percent in range and pasture situations and 60 percent in mountain grazing areas. 

For centuries, livestock producers have used frightening devices to ward off potential predators.  Most predators are initially fearful of unexpected disturbances and keep their distance.  Over the years, the devices have changed from simple scarecrows and bells or other noisemakers to more modern devices like the Electronic Guard.

The Electronic Guard should be used only when necessary because most predators eventually learn to ignore the periodic light-and-sound show.  This device is not a cure-all for predation problems but is one tool in a comprehensive approach to controlling predator damage.  It may help producers complete the lambing season with minimal loss by stopping predation until sheep can be moved or until other control methods can be used.

A survey of users of the Electronic Guard by WS found the device to be successful in keeping black bears out of vineyards and white-tailed deer out of gardens and cornfields.  Customers also report that they use the Electronic Guard to prevent damage to haystacks and orchards by elk and deer, discourage beavers from building dams, and frighten birds away from commercial fish farms.

The number of Electronic Guards needed to protect sheep will depend on the size of the pasture, the vegetation in or around it, and the terrain.  In general, at least two units should be used in small, fenced pastures (20-30 acres) or in level pastures with short grass.  Three or four units should be used in large, fenced pastures (31-100 acres), hilly or wooded pastures, or those with tall grass.  In open-range conditions, the number of Electronic Guards depends on the number of sheep and the size of the bedground.  NWRC testing shows that at least 4 guards should be used with a band of 1,000 ewes and their lambs. 

Guard Dogs. A good guard dog can protect sheep and goats from coyote damage. Larger breeds, such as Great Pyrenees, Komondor, Anatolian shepherds and Akbash, often work well to intimidate the much smaller coyote.

Guard dogs should be acquired as puppies and habituated to the flock or herd at an early age. Human contact must be kept to a minimum. If the guard dog is treated as a pet, it will not properly bond with livestock and its effectiveness will be lost. On the other hand, the guard dog needs to be tame enough that the owner can approach it for vaccinations, worming and other care.

Dogs have individual personalities: One dog may bond with the sheep or goats while another dog may not work as well. A good guard dog remains with the livestock at all times and confronts coyotes and other dogs that approach.

Guard dogs require a lot of initial training and must be provided with shelter and food in the field. They may be excellent guard animals for a while and become less effective later. Occasionally guard dogs have been responsible for killing sheep.

Donkeys.  Donkies are rapidly gaining popularity in the United States as guard of sheep and goat flocks against predators.  Reportedly in Texas, over 2,400 of the 11,000 sheep and goat producers had used donkeys as guardians.

A single donkey, usually a jennet, sometimes a gelding (jacks rarely work because they can be too aggressive with lambs) is introduced to the herd and undergoes a bonding stage. After it has bonded with the sheep, it will protect them against canine predators (fox, coyote, dogs) as it would one of its own. This is extremely beneficial in areas where the sheep have many acres to graze. Donkeys are generally docile to people, but they seem to have an inherent dislike of dogs and other canids, including coyotes and foxes.  In addition the advantage of the donkey over the guard dog is that they can eat the same food as the sheep so they don't have to be fed separately. The donkey will also sleep with the sheep at night. Given a strange sound it will voice a warning to the flock which alerts them to danger. Then the donkey will chase and often trample the predator. Other responses can include braying, bared teeth, a running attack, kicking, and biting. Miniature donkeys are not usually large enough to handle the coyotes, and mammoth donkeys are usually too slow.

Reported success of donkeys in reducing predation is highly variable. Improper husbandry or rearing practices and unrealistic expectations probably account for many failures. Donkeys are significantly cheaper to obtain and care for than guarding dogs, and they are probably less prone to accidental death and premature mortality than dogs.

Llamas. Like donkeys, llamas have an inherent dislike of canids, and a growing number of livestock producers are successfully using llamas to protect their sheep. A recent study of 145 ranches where guard llamas were used to protect sheep revealed that average losses of sheep to predators decreased from 26 to 8 per year after llamas were employed. Eighty percent of the ranchers surveyed were “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with their llamas. Llamas reportedly bond with sheep within hours and offer advantages over guarding dogs similar to those described for donkeys.

Toxicants .  Pesticides have historically been an important component in an integrated approach to controlling coyote damage, but their use is extremely restricted today by federal and state laws. All pesticides used in the United States must be registered with the EPA under the provisions of FIFRA and must be used in accordance with label directions. Increasingly restrictive regulations implemented by EPA under the authority of FIFRA, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), presidential order, and the Endangered Species Act have resulted in the near elimination of toxicants legally available for predator damage control.

The only toxicants currently registered for mammalian predator damage control are sodium cyanide, used in the M-44 ejector device, and Compound 1080 (sodium monofluoroacetate), for use in the livestock protection collar. These toxicants are Restricted Use Pesticides and may be used only by certified pesticide applicators. Information on registration status and availability of these products in individual states may be obtained from the respective state’s department of agriculture.


M-4. The M–44 is a wildlife damage management tool used by the Wildlife Services (WS) program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to protect livestock, poultry, and threatened and endangered species from predation by foxes, coyotes, and feral dogs.  In addition, the M–44 is registered for the control of communicable disease vectors, such as coyotes that carry rabies.
The M–44 is an effective, environmentally sound tool registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and used only by trained and certified applicators.  There are 26 EPA–mandated use restrictions governing the use of M–44's.  All M–44's used in WS field operations are well marked and are checked by trained personnel at least once a week.  
M–44's are used primarily for coyote damage management.  They are placed along game trails, livestock trails, ridges, near seldom-used ranch roads, and along fence lines.  The M–44 is used mostly in the winter and spring but in some locations it is used throughout the year.
The M–44 works by ejecting sodium cyanide powder into the mouth of the predator.  The ejection is triggered when the animal pulls on the baited M–44 unit.  The sodium cyanide powder reacts with the moisture in the animal’s mouth, releasing hydrogen cyanide gas.  Death occurs from 10 seconds to 2 minutes after the device is triggered.    
 This device is safe to use and poses an insignificant risk to the environment.  The amount of sodium cyanide mixture in each capsule is approximately 0.03 ounce (0.97 gram).  If, for some reason, the contents of the capsule spill onto the soil, the active ingredient dissipates into gas rapidly due to soil moisture.  If there is no moisture, the sodium cyanide filters through the soil, where it is readily degraded by micro-organisms or other mechanisms.  
Experiments conducted by WS' National Wildlife Research Center designed to study the effects of cyanide contamination of the soil from application of M–44 cyanide capsules indicate that the toxic effects of cyanide are extremely short lived because cyanide decomposes within 24 hours into harmless byproducts.  Bioaccumulation is extremely unlikely because the material is metabolized immediately.     
The risk of secondary poisoning of predators feeding on the carcass of an animal killed with an M–44 is nonexistent.  Secondary poison occurs when one animal feed son another that has been killed by a pesticide. The M–44's mode of action, chemical asphyxiation, limits the assimilation of the toxic compound into the body and tissue for availability to predators feeding on an animal killed by this device.  In other words, an animal feeding on a predator killed by an M–44 will not be harmed because there is virtually no poison in the dead animal’s tissues to pass along to the scavenging animal.
To protect the user against the unlikely event of exposure to the compound, amyl nitrite is available as an antidote.  All applicators are required to carry an antidote kit when applying M–44's. 
To prevent adverse or harmful effects on the environment, including nontarget animals, the potential impact of its activities must be evaluated before using the M–44 or any other wildlife damage management tool.
In placing M–44's in the field, personnel use their expertise in animal behavior patterns to minimize the risk of attracting nontarget animals to the device.  Through the use of specialized lures and attractants designed for offending animals, the risk to nontarget animals is highly minimized. 



1080 Livestock Protection Collar. The livestock protection collar (LP collar or toxic collar) is a relatively new tool used to selectively kill coyotes that attack sheep or goats. Collars are placed on sheep or goats that are pastured where coyotes are likely to attack. Each collar contains a small quantity (300 mg) of Compound 1080 solution. The collars do not attract coyotes, but because of their design and position on the throat, most attacking coyotes will puncture the collar and ingest a lethal amount of the toxicant. Unlike sodium cyanide, 1080 is slow-acting, and a coyote ingesting the toxicant will not exhibit symptoms or die for several hours. As a result, sheep or goats that are attacked are usually killed. The collar is registered only for use against coyotes and may be placed only on sheep or goats.

The LP collar must be used in conjunction with specific sheep and goat husbandry practices to be most effective. Coyote attacks must be directed or targeted at collared livestock. This may be accomplished by temporarily placing a “target” flock of perhaps 20 to 50 collared lambs or kids and their uncollared mothers in a pasture where coyote predation is likely to occur, while removing other sheep or goats from that vicinity. In situations where LP collars have been used and found ineffective, the common cause of failure has been poor or ineffective targeting. It is difficult to ensure effective targeting if depredations are occurring infrequently. In most instances, only a high and regular frequency of depredations will justify spending the time, effort, and money necessary to become trained and certified, purchase collars, and use them properly.

The outstanding advantage in using the LP collar is its selectivity in eliminating individual coyotes that are responsible for killing livestock. The collar may also be useful in removing depredating coyotes that have eluded other means of control. Disadvantages include the cost of collars (approximately $20 each) and livestock that must be sacrificed, more intensive management practices, and the costs and inconvenience of complying with use restrictions, including requirements for training, certification, and record keeping. One use restriction limits the collars to use in fenced pastures only. They cannot be used to protect sheep on open range. Also, collars are not widely available, because they are registered for use in only a few states.

Fumigants . Carbon monoxide is an effective burrow fumigant recently re-registered by the EPA. Gas cartridges, which contain 65% sodium nitrate and 35% charcoal, produce carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and other noxious gases when ignited. They were registered by the EPA in 1981 for control of coyotes in dens only. This is the only fumigant currently registered for this purpose.


Trapping.  Trapping although effective can be quite complicated and typically require a very experienced individual.  For those interested in the details of trapping please refer to The Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management.

Shooting.  Shooting coyotes is legal in many situations, and is considered effective in removing a predator. Of course safety is of first concern with shooting and its use may be limited by a few considerations, namely shooting is prohibited in many cities and if allowed may not be safe due to close neighbors.   Again there are many aspects of shooting but most are beyond the scope of this document. 

Conservation. Coyotes have long been one of the most controversial of all non-game animals. Agricultural interests have urged its control by whatever means necessary so that actual and potential livestock losses may be eliminated. Since 1891, when the first programs aimed at control were begun in California, nearly 500,000 coyotes have been reported destroyed at a cost of an estimated $30 million of the taxpayers' money.

Environmentalists firmly believe that the coyotes are necessary to preserve the balance of nature. Some sportsmen feel the coyote is responsible for the declines in game species. Biologists agree that individual animals preying on livestock and poultry should be destroyed but that the species as a whole is not necessarily harmful, because much of its diet is made up of destructive rodents. Biologists also agree that coyote populations have no lasting effects on other wildlife populations. So the controversy rages on.

Coyotes have recently been classified as non-game animals in California and may be taken throughout the year under the authority of a hunting license. Meanwhile, despite the constant hunting and intensive efforts to reduce the coyote population, on a quiet night the song of the "Little Wolf" may still be heard throughout the Desert Southwest.


The white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), also known as the Virginia deer, or simply as the whitetail, is a medium-sized deer native to the United States (all but five of the states),CanadaMexicoCentral America, and in South America as far south as Peru. It has also been introduced to New Zealand and some countries in Europe, such as Finland and the Czech Republic.

The species is most common east of the Rocky Mountains, and is absent from much of the western United States, including NevadaUtahCaliforniaHawaii, and Alaska (though its close relatives, the mule deer and black-tailed deer Odocoileus hemionus, can be found there). It does, however, survive in aspen parklands and deciduous river bottomlands within the central and northern Great Plains, and in mixed deciduous riparian corridors, river valley bottomlands, and lower foothills of the northern Rocky Mountain regions from Wyoming to southeastern British Columbia. The conversion of land adjacent to the northern Rockies into agriculture use and partial clear-cutting of coniferous trees (resulting in widespread deciduous vegetation) has been favorable to the white-tailed deer and has pushed its distribution to as far north as Prince George, British Columbia. Populations of deer around the Great Lakes have also expanded their range northwards, due to conversion of land to agricultural uses favoring more deciduous vegetation, and local caribou and moose populations. The western most population of the species, known as the Columbian white-tailed deer, once was widespread in the mixed forests along the Willamette and Cowlitz River valleys of western Oregon and southwestern Washington, but today its numbers have been considerably reduced, and it is classified as near-threatened. The white-tailed deer is well-suited for its environment. Fossil records indicate that its basic structure has not changed in four million years.

File:White-tailed deer.jpg File:White-tailed Deer, female.jpg

                                             Male and Female White Tailed Deer. Left Image USDA. Right Image Courtesy of Gordon Robertson

 The deer's coat is a reddish-brown in the spring and summer and turns to a grey-brown throughout the fall and winter. The deer can be recognized by the characteristic white underside to its tail, which it shows as a signal of alarm by raising the tail during escape.

The North American male deer usually weighs from 130 to 300 pounds but, in rare cases, bucks in excess of 375 pounds have been recorded while the female usually weighs from 90 to 200 pounds. Length ranges from 62 to 87 inches, including the tail, and the shoulder height is 32 to 40 inches. White-tailed deer from the tropics tend to be much smaller than temperate populations, averaging 77–110 pounds.

Males re-grow their antlers every year. About 1 in 10,000 females also have antlers, although this is usually associated with hermaphrodites. Bucks without branching antlers are often termed "spiked bucks". The spikes can be quite long or very short. Research in Texas has shown that the length and branching of antlers is genetic and can be influenced by diet. Healthy deer in some areas that are well fed can have eight point branching antlers as yearlings (one and a half years old). The number of points, the length or thickness of the antlers are a general indication of age but cannot be relied upon for positive aging. A better indication of age is the length of the snout and the color of the coat, with older deer tending to have longer snouts and grayer coats. Many say that deer that have spiked antlers should be culled from the population as they are not as large or as hardy as bucks with branching antlers, and never will be, but this is only true in areas where the deer's complete nutritional needs are met, which is only a small percentage of their range.[9] Spike deer are different from "button bucks" or "nubbin' bucks", that are male fawns and are generally about six to nine months of age during their first winter. They have skin covered knobs on their heads. They can have bony protrusions up to a half inch in length, but that is very rare, and they are not the same as spikes.

Antlers begin to grow in late spring, covered with a highly vascular tissue known as velvet. Bucks either have a typical or non-typical antler arrangement. Typical antlers are symmetrical and the points grow straight up off the main beam. Non-typical antlers are asymmetrical and the points may project at any angle from the main beam. These descriptions are not the only limitations for typical and a typical antler arrangement. The Boone and Crockett or Pope & Young scoring systems also define relative degrees of typical and atypical procedures to measure what proportion of the antlers are asymmetrical. Therefore, bucks with only slight asymmetry will often be scored as "typical". A buck's inside spread can be anywhere from 3–25 inches. Bucks shed their antlers when all females have been bred, from late December to February.

Although most often thought of as forest animals depending on relatively small openings and edges, white-tailed deer can equally adapt themselves to life in more open prairie, savanna woodlands, and sage communities as in the Southwestern United States, northern Mexico, These savanna-adapted deer have relatively large antlers in proportion to their body size and large tails. Also, there is a noticeable difference in size between male and female deer of the savannas. In western regions of the United States and Canada, the white-tailed deer range overlaps with those of the black-tailed deer and mule deer.

Whitetail deer eat large varieties of food, commonly eating legumes and foraging on other plants, including shoots, leaves, cactus, and grasses. They also eat acorns, fruit, and corn. Their special stomach allows them to eat some things that humans cannot, such as mushrooms that are poisonous to humans and Red Sumac. Their diet varies in the seasons according to availability of food sources. They will also eat hay and other food that they can find in a farm yard. Whitetail deer have been known to opportunistically feed on nestling songbirds, and well as field mice, and birds trapped in Mist nets.[13]

There are several natural predators of white-tailed deer. Gray wolves, cougars, American alligators and (in the tropics) jaguars are the more effective natural predators of adult deer. Bobcats, lynxes, bears and packs of coyotes usually will prey on deer fawns. Bears may sometimes attack adult deer while lynxes, coyotes and bobcats are most likely to take adult deer when the ungulates are weakened by winter weather. The general extirpation of natural deer predators over the East Coast (only the coyote is now widespread) is believed to be a factor in the overpopulation issues with this species. Many scavengers rely on deer as carrion, including New World vultures, hawks, eagles, foxes and corvids (the latter three may also rarely prey on deer fawns).


Females enter estrus, colloquially called the rut, in the fall, normally in late October or early November, triggered mainly by declining photoperiod. Sexual maturation of females depends on population density. Females can mature in their first year, although this is unusual and would occur only at very low population levels. Most females mature at 1–2 years of age. Most are not able to reproduce until six months after they mature.

Males compete for the opportunity of breeding females. Sparring among males determines a dominance hierarchy. Bucks will attempt to copulate with as many females as possible, losing physical condition since they rarely eat or rest during the rut. The general geographical trend is for the rut to be shorter in duration at increased latitude. There are many factors as to how intense the "rutting season" will be. Air temperature is one major factor of this intensity. Any time the temperature rises above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, the males will do much less traveling looking for females, or they will be subject to overheating or dehydrating. Another factor for the strength in rutting activity is competition. If there are numerous males in a particular area, then they will compete more for the females. If there are fewer males or more females, then the selection process will not need to be as competitive.

Females give birth to 1–3 spotted young, known as fawns, in mid to late spring, generally in May or June. Fawns lose their spots during the first summer and will weigh from 44 to 77 pounds by the first winter. Male fawns tend to be slightly larger and heavier than females.

White-tailed deer communicate in many different ways using sounds, scent, body language, and marking. All white-tailed deer are capable of producing audible noises, unique to each animal. Fawns release a high-pitched squeal, known as a bleat, to call out to their mothers. Does also bleat. Grunting produces a low, guttural sound that will attract the attention of any other deer in the area. Both does and bucks snort, a sound that often signals danger. As well as snorting, bucks also grunt at a pitch that gets lower with maturity. Bucks are unique in their grunt-snort-wheeze pattern that often shows aggression and hostility. Another way white-tailed deer communicate is with their white tail. When a white-tail deer is spooked it will raise its tail to warn the other deer in the area that can see them.

Though human encounters are rare there is only an average of four cases of human casualties each year in the highly populated areas such as Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Usually, white-tailed deer will not approach a human unless it smells a bucks urine on the person.

White-tailed deer possess many glands that allow them to produce scents, some of which are so potent they can be detected by the human nose. Four major glands are the pre-orbital, forehead, tarsal, and metatarsal glands. It was originally thought that secretions from the pre-orbital glands (in front of the eye) were rubbed on tree branches; recent research suggests this is not so. It has been found that scent from the forehead glands (found on the head, between the antlers and eyes) is used to deposit scent on branches that overhang "scrapes" (areas scraped by the deer's front hooves prior to rub-urination). The tarsal glands are found on the upper inside of the hock (middle joint) on each hind leg. Scent is deposited from these glands when deer walk through and rub against vegetation. These scrapes are used by bucks as a sort of "sign-post" by which bucks know which other bucks are in the area, and to let does know that a buck is regularly passing through the area—for breeding purposes. The scent from the metatarsal glands, found on the outside of each hind leg, between the ankle and hooves, may be used as an alarm scent.

Throughout the year deer will rub-urinate, a process during which a deer squats while urinating so that urine will run down the insides of the deer's legs, over the tarsal glands, and onto the hair covering these glands. Bucks rub-urinate more frequently during the breeding season. Secretions from the tarsal gland mix with the urine and bacteria to produce a strong smelling odor. During the breeding season does release hormones and pheromones attract bucks for mating. Bucks also rub trees and shrubs with their antlers and head during the breeding season, possibly transferring scent from the forehead glands to the tree, leaving a scent other deer can detect.

Sign-post marking (scrapes and rubs) are a very obvious way that white-tailed deer communicate. Although bucks do most of the marking, does visit these locations often. To make a rub, a buck will use its antlers to strip the bark off of small diameter trees, helping to mark his territory and polish his antlers. To mark areas they regularly pass through bucks will make scrapes. Often occurring in patterns known as scrape lines, scrapes are areas where a buck has used its front hooves to expose bare earth. They often rub-urinate into these scrapes, which are often found under twigs that have been marked with scent from the forehead glands.

A century ago, commercial exploitation, unregulated hunting and poor land-use practices, including deforestation severely depressed deer populations in much of their range. For example, by about 1930, the U.S. population was thought to number about 300,000. After an outcry by hunters and other conservation ecologists, commercial exploitation of deer became illegal and conservation programs along with regulated hunting were introduced. Recent estimates put the deer population in the United States at around 30 million. Conservation practices have proved so successful that, in parts of their range, the white-tailed deer populations currently far exceed their carrying capacity and the animal may be considered a nuisance. Motor vehicle collisions with deer are a serious problem in many parts of the animal's range, especially at night and during rutting season, causing injuries and fatalities among both deer and humans. Vehicular damage can be substantial in some cases. At high population densities, farmers can suffer economic damage by deer depredation of cash crops, especially in corn and orchards. Deer can prevent successful reforestation following logging, and have impacts on native plants and animals in parks and natural areas. Deer also cause substantial damage to landscape plants in suburban areas, leading to limited hunting or trapping to relocate or sterilize them.

Deer Damage. Usually, deer damage plants by browsing on new vegetation during the growing season. However, when food is scarce, deer will eat just about anything to survive. One of the reasons that deer are becoming more of a problem in many parts of the United States is that their numbers are increasing. An Associated Press article on October 15, 2000 stated:

The national deer population, now estimated at 25 million to 30 million, has been growing for decades. Not only have deer adapted to encroaching suburbia, but they have benefited from a series of mild winters, an increase in newly developed areas being declared off limits for hunters and a decline in hunting in some parts of the country . . . Some forecasters believe there could be a point when the deer population will become so large it just can't sustain itself. But no one knows when. "We're not certain when it will max out," Curtis [wildlife biologist Paul Curtis of Cornell University] said. "Deer populations are already at densities a biologist wouldn't have dreamed of 10 years ago."

The cost of damage by deer will vary greatly, according to the crops and plants being grown in relation to the number of deer browsing. In the article "Oh, Deer" in the June-July 2002 Farmer's Digest, Jim Armstrong, associate professor and wildlife specialist with Auburn University, explained that it is not uncommon for some growers in the Southeast to have $20,000 to $30,000 in crop damage (peanuts and cotton) during a crop year. He says:

It's a widespread problem in agriculture. The problem is that it tends to be very site-specific. Depending on the habitat around the field, one person can have no damage and the next can have a lot of problems. Deer prefer a fragmented habitat that consists of both woodland for cover and open cropland. Farmers may notice more feeding near the edges of the fields near woods, where the deer can feed without straying too far from cover. (Mullen, 2002)

The USDA estimates that total deer damage from auto collisions and crop and timber losses reaches at least $1 billion a year

Control. Because deer are protected by game regulations in all states, as well as all Canadian provinces, I strongly suggest you contact the specific wildlife, natural resource, or conservation agency that enforces your state's wildlife regulations before implementing any deer control practice. Some state agencies have specific programs for technical assistance or to compensate for deer damage. Other states, or even local municipalities, may have laws restricting some options for deer management. Producers need to keep current with their state laws and regulations, because they can change from year to year.

The Wildlife Services (WS), an arm of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) charged with helping to prevent or reduce wildlife damage, provides technical assistance or direct control. For more information about assistance, contact any state APHIS office. The address and phone number of each state's Wildlife Services State Director and the state's Wildlife Services activity report is available by calling the national Wildlife Services Operational Support staff at (301) 734-7921.

There are five general methods for preventing or controlling deer damage to crops. These include exclusion, cultural methods, scare devices, repellents, and culling or harvest.

Exclusion. Several methods of exclusion are available. They can involve permanent or temporary fences, a wireless deer fence, or other methods of keeping deer from getting to the plants to browse.

Fencing. The most effective method for exclusion is a well-designed fence, and there are several designs available to meet specific needs. Temporary electrified fences are simple, inexpensive, and useful in protecting garden and field crops during snow-free periods. "Baiting" the fence with peanut butter, apples, etc. may enhance the effectiveness of electrified fences. Deer are attracted to these fences by their appearance or smell and are lured into contacting the fence with their noses. This causes an effective shock that trains deer (sometimes) to avoid the fenced area. Permanent, high-tensile, electric fences provide year-round protection from deer and are best suited to high-value specialty or orchard crops.

Permanent woven-wire fences provide the ultimate deer barrier. They require little maintenance but are very expensive to build. In fact, the cost of constructing effective fences often limits their use to areas of intensive agriculture, such as orchards or private gardens.

The Cornell publication Managing White-Tailed Deer in Suburban Environments: A Technical Guide states: For a given deer density, the potential for damage will often be greater on large plantings than smaller ones. Consequently, large areas often require more substantial fencing designs to achieve a level of protection similar to small areas. Based on reports and research experiences in New York, vertical electric fence designs seldom provide reliable protection for plantings larger than five acres under intense deer foraging pressure. Slant-wire, electric-fencing systems can protect plantings approximately 50 acres in size. Blocks larger than 50 acres usually require eight-foot-high, woven-wire fencing to reliably prevent deer from entering the area if feeding pressure is high.

The same publication suggests that fencing systems such as the baited electric wire, fences with three-dimensional outriggers, and slanted and vertical fences up to 11-feet high have kept deer out under some conditions. However, it continues: Often simple designs are effective only under light deer pressure or for relatively small areas.  Often simple designs are effective only under light deer pressure or for relatively small areas. during the growing season when alternative foods are available to deer. Low-profile fences, however, are seldom satisfactory for protecting commercial orchards or ornamental plantings in winter, especially if snow restricts deer from using alternative food sources. Landowners must also check local ordinances and covenants to determine if electric fences can be used, or if fences of any kind can be constructed on their property.

Cultural Methods. Deer damage to landscape plants and flowers usually occurs when the deer's natural browse is low, generally in the late fall through early spring. By choosing species that are undesirable to deer, you can reduce the amount of damage to these plants. Plants with a bitter or spicy taste, milky sap, or thorny, hairy, or tough leaves and stems are unpalatable to deer. However, the presence of undesirable plants does not deter deer from feeding on other nearby plants that they do find palatable. If there is intensive feeding pressure caused by drought or snow or a high deer density, deer will browse even the most undesirable plants, and other methods will be necessary to control damage.


Scare Devices.  Methods for frightening or hazing deer may be effective and economical in some situations, especially at the first sign of a problem. Once deer establish a pattern of movement, it is difficult to get them to change. Propane cannons or gas exploders set to detonate at irregular intervals are the most common scare devices, and they are sometimes available for loan from wildlife refuges or wildlife agencies. Strobe lights and sirens can also be effective; even fireworks and gunfire can be used as a temporary method. Playing a radio that goes on and off during the night will work for a short time, as will attaching a sprinkler system or lights to motion detectors. The problem with all scare devices is that deer become accustomed to them within a week or two, even when the devices are moved occasionally. Varying the scare devices every week may extend the protection for a longer period. Scare devices are usually a great short-term solution, but don't depend on them for a whole growing season.

Dogs. Another scare option is the use of dogs that are kept behind an "invisible" fence by the use of a radio transmitter, an underground copper wire, and a special dog collar with receivers. Stationed inside the invisible fence, the dogs chase the deer out of the dogs' territory. The collar, when activated by the underground wire, first gives an audible signal, and if the dogs don't stop they receive a mild, harmless shock. The dogs must be trained to heed the signals. Placing the dogs' kennel and water in one area and the food in another area may help keep the dogs moving around their territory.

The Cornell publication Managing White-Tailed Deer in Suburban Environments: A Technical Guide suggests that the effective area covered by 2 dogs behind invisible fence is about 60 acres or 500 yards from their kennel during the summer. The area is reduced to about 10 acres during winter, when snow restricts the movement of the dogs, though snowfall doesn't affect operation of the electronics.

The same publication cautions that care and feeding of the dogs can be time-consuming and that a family pet may not provide adequate protection, because it is not patrolling all the time. The authors explain: "The breed and disposition of the dog will influence effectiveness of this technique. Large dogs that aggressively patrol the area appear to work best. The complete protection of plant materials should not be expected, as deer react to dogs similar to other scare devices or repellents

Repellents.  Repellents are best suited for high-value crops in orchards, nurseries, and gardens. High cost, limitations on use, and variable effectiveness make most repellents impractical on row crops, pasture, or other large areas. There are two kinds of repellents: contact and area. Contact repellents are applied directly to the crop plants and repel by taste. Some of these contact repellents use inedible egg solids to repel deer, while others are derived from cayenne pepper extract and cannot be applied to the edible portion of the crop because they will leave a hot taste. Repellents made from rotten eggs have worked better than several other products in an Alabama Experiment Station test.  Area repellents are applied near the plants to be protected and repel deer by smell alone. Some area repellents use ammonium soaps of fatty acids, bone tar oil, and/or putrefied meat scraps. Bags of human hair and suspended bars of ordinary hand soap can also be used as area repellents for deer.

The deer's learning ability causes many repellents to fail over time. A good way to counter such acclimation is to switch repellents periodically and to alter their positions near the crop. But as with planting unpalatable ornamentals, remember that hungry deer will ignore both taste and odor repellent

Culling or Harvest. Culling the animals is another management option. Some states issue permits to landowners to shoot deer outside the normal sport hunting season. Only those animals that are damaging crops can be removed, and such permits are often publicly controversial.

Sport hunting can reduce deer populations and damage over larger regional areas. To be effective over the long term, does (female deer) must be removed from the deer population. A "bucks-only" deer hunt does little to reduce the deer population or the damage done by overpopulated deer herds. Landowners can reduce the deer population in their area by soliciting hunters who have "either-sex" deer permits and who will shoot does. By allowing hunting, landowners can provide controlled public access to a recreational resource while reducing deer damage.




Big Eared Bat.  Image Courtesy of Bureau Land Management.

Many people needlessly fear bats. These actions emphasize the need to educate the public on the reasons for bat conservation and why it is important to use safe, nondestructive methods to alleviate conflicts between people and bats. General sources of information on bats include states’ Cooperative Extension Services, universities, government environmental conservation and health departments, and Bat Conservation International. Except where control is necessary, bats should be appreciated from a distance — and not disturbed. This is especially important since bats serve a very important function in various ecosystems including control of a number of insect pest species.

Bats, the only mammals that truly fly, belong to the order Chiroptera. Their ability to fly, their secretiveness, and their nocturnal habits have contributed to bat folklore, superstition, and fear. They are worldwide in distribution and include about 900 species, second in number only to the rodents among the mammals.

Bats are one of the most numerous and diverse groups of mammals, existing on every continent except Antarctica. The world’s current bat fauna represents over 50 million years of adaptation to a variety of environmental conditions and unique niches. The only true flying mammals, bats are fascinating for a variety of reasons, including the ways their bodies have evolved for flight. Millions of years ago, bat forelimbs evolved into wings and their hips rotated 180 degrees, allowing the animals to hang by their feet. Bats also developed the ability to echolocate, or use sound to locate objects and orient themselves in their environment, which helps them navigate through caves and forests as well as locate prey.

There are over 1,000 species of bats, each playing an essential role in their environment— including consuming vast quantities of insects. As an additional perk, bats redistribute nutrients throughout the forest in their guano. Many bat species also feed on pollen and fruit, serving as pollinators and seed dispersers. Though abundant in the United States before 1900, 13 percent of bat species are now at risk of extinction due to human disturbance. Studying and understanding the lifestyle patterns of these animals is essential to reversing species decline.

Among the 40 species of bats found north of Mexico, only a few cause problems for humans (note that vampire bats are not found in the United States and Canada). Bats congregating in groups are called colonial bats; those that live alone existence are known as solitary bats.

The colonial species most often encountered in and around human buildings in the United States are the little brown bat, the big brown bat, the Mexican free-tailed bat, the pallid bat, the Yuma myotis and the evening bat. Solitary bats typically roost in tree foliage or under bark, but occasionally are found associated with buildings, some only as transients during migration

Bats inhabiting buildings produce offensive odors and distracting noise. Bats can carry rabies. Transmission need not be from a bite from an infected bat; there is evidence that exposure of abraded skin to bat urine, or even inhalation of cave air may be infective. At least eight of the 24 species in California have been found to be sometime infected. As there are no true bloodsucking bats in the United States, a bite is unlikely unless one is handling or otherwise disturbing bats. Brown bats are reservoir hosts for encephalitis which may be transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. Encephalitis can cause death and mental retardation. Histoplasmosis, a systemic fungus disease of man, may be contracted by inhalation of dusty bat manure containing air-borne spores of the fungus.

The California myotis bat and the big brown bat are found throughout the state except in the high mountain zones. The other 22 bats found in California occupy various portions of the state, with considerable overlap of distribution. The hoary bat, the silver-haired bat, and the red bat migrate to the coast in winter, but other species are permanent residents.

All of these bats are nocturnal, roosting in crevices, caves, tunnels, free foliage or building during the day. Some species have a separate night roost to which they retire between feeding flights. Some species are more particular about the kind of roost they select than others; many hibernate in caves in winter, and may move from one cave to another several times. The most stationary species may inhabit the same roost throughout the year.
Bats vary widely in size - the smallest mammal in the world is the bumblebee bat of Thailand (smaller than a dime), while some of the fruit bats (also known as “flying foxes”) of the Asian tropics can have a wingspan of up to six feet. Their shape also varies between species and usually corresponds with food type and highly specialized hunting or foraging habits. For instance, certain insect-eating bats that feed over water have very different feet, wings and ears than bats that catch insects in mid-air. Contrary to popular belief, more than 70% of bats eat insects, with much of the remainder being tropical species that feed on fruit and nectar. A few are carnivorous, eating small fish, birds and frogs. Only three species of bat are vampires, totally subsisting on blood, and they are only found in South America. Sadly, bats all over the world have been targeted by humans based upon an unfounded fear that they are vampire bats when really they eat insects or fruit.

As indicated bats are the only truly flying mammal species. This is part of the reason that they roost upside-down; because they don’t have the strength, like birds, to launch themselves into flight from standing, they drop from a hanging position directly into flight. Hanging upside-down also allows them to rest safely away from predators. Some bats are solitary and travel and roost alone or in small groups, while others prefer to congregate in large colonies of millions of bats. They are a commuting, migratory species, meaning they move from place to place on a nightly basis from a few to hundreds of miles. Like humans, bats give birth to live, helpless young and breast feed them on milk for several months, making them, for their size, the slowest reproducing mammals on earth. They are also quite long-lived for their size—some species can live into their thirties!

Bats rely on reflection of high-pitched squeaks they emit to avoid collisions and to determine location of prey. Most bats live almost totally on insects captured and eaten on the wing, though two Southern California bats eat nectar, pollen and fruit as well. Bats in other parts of the world include vampires, small-fish catchers, day flyers, and large fruit eaters (“flying foxes”) with wingspans over five feet. Vampires and some mastiff bats can fold their wings and run about on all fours. Bats hang upside down when resting and many species conserve energy during the day by lowering body temperature (and hence metabolism) to near that of the surrounding air. Many bats hibernate in winter by a similar process.


Reproductive information on many bat species is scanty. Breeding occurs in autumn before hibernation, or at the winter roost, depending on the species. Mature males are recognizable at this time by the swelling of the testes in the abdomen. Ovulation occurs after winter dormancy is over, at which time the stored sperm fertilized the egg. The young (usually only one or two, though a few species bear up to four) are born two to three months later, in May to July. Young are born naked and many cling to their mother for some time after birth; no nest is ever built. The young are able to fly at three to four weeks though some continue to nurse for several weeks longer. In many species the adults segregate when the young are born, each male lives alone through the summer while the females remain together. Most species of bats are colonial but some are solitary; both conditions may occur in some species. Bats have few enemies (owls, snakes) and some bats live to 20 years or more.


Legal Status. Bats are classified as nongame mammals by California Fish and Game Code. Nongame mammals which are found to be injuring growing crops or other property may be taken by the owner or tenant of the premises, except that if leg-hold steel-jawed traps are used they shall not have saw-toothed or spiked jaws or have a spread of 5 ½ inches or larger without offset jaws. They may also be taken by officers or employees of the California Department of Food and Agriculture or by federal or county officers or employees when acting in their official capacities pursuant to the provision of the Food and Agricultural Code pertaining to pests.

Little Brown Bat. This bat is pale tan through reddish brown to dark brown, depending on geographic location. The species is a rich dark brown in the eastern United States and most of the west coast. Fur is glossy and sleek.

File:Pipistrellus pipistrellus01.jpg

                                                                         Little Brown Bat. Image Courtesy of Pipistrellus_pipistrellus01.jpg

This is one of the most common bats found in and near buildings, often located near a body of water where they forage for insect prey. Summer colonies are very gregarious, commonly roosting in dark, hot attics and associated roof spaces where maternity colonies may include hundreds to a few thousand individuals. Colonies may also form beneath shingles and siding, in tree hollows, beneath bridges, and in caves. Litter size is 1 in the Northeast; twins occasionally occur in some other areas. The roost is often shared with the big brown bat (E. fuscus) though the latter is less tolerant of high temperatures; M. keenii may also share the same site. Separate groups of males tend to be smaller and choose cooler roosts within attics, behind shutters, under tree bark, in rock crevices, and within caves.

In the winter, little brown bats in the eastern part of their range abandon buildings to hibernate in caves and mines. Such hibernacula may be near summer roosts or up to a few hundred miles (km) away. Little is known of the winter habits of M. lucifugus in the western United States. The life span of little brown bats has been established to be as great as 31 years. The average life expectancy, however, is probably limited to only a few years.

Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus). Coloration varies from reddish brown, copper colored, to a dark brown depending on geographic location. This is a large bat without distinctive markings. This hardy, rather sedentary species appears to favor buildings for roosting. Summer maternity colonies may include a dozen or so and up to a few hundred individuals, roosting behind chimneys, in enclosed eaves, in hollow walls, attics, barns, and behind shutters and unused sliding doors. They also form colonies in rock crevices, beneath bridges, in hollow trees, and under loose bark. Litter size is 2 in the East to the Great Plains; from the Rockies westward 1 young is born.

The big brown bat is one of the most widely distributed of bats in the United States and is probably familiar to more people than any other species. This is partially due to its large, easy-to-observe size, but also to its ability to overwinter in buildings (attics, wall spaces, and basements). Its close proximity to humans, coupled with its tendency to move about when temperature shifts occur, often brings this bat into human living quarters and basements in summer and winter. Big browns also hibernate in caves, mines, storm sewers, burial vaults, and other underground harborage. While this bat will apparently travel as far as 150 miles (241 km) to hibernacula, the winter quarters of the bulk of this species are largely unknown.

Mexican Free-Tailed Bat (Tadarida brasiliensis). This species is dark brown or dark gray. Fur of some individuals may have been bleached to a pale brown due to ammonia fumes from urine and decomposing guano. Confusion is not likely to occur with other species that commonly inhabit human buildings.

Mexican free-tailed bat in flight

Mexican Free-Tailed Bat.  Image Courtesy of USGS

This species forms the largest colonies of any warm-blooded animal, establishing sizable colonies in buildings, particularly on the West Coast and in the Gulf states from Texas east. Hundreds to thousands may be found in buildings or under bridges. It is primarily a cave bat in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas; buildings are used as temporary roosts during migrations. Litter size is 1.

This bat often share roosts with other species. In the West, for example, they may be found in buildings with the pallid bat and big brown bat. Some males are always present in the large maternity colonies, but they tend to segregate in separate caves.

A few may overwinter in buildings as far north as South Carolina in the East and Oregon in the West. Most of this species migrate hundreds of miles to warmer climes (largely to Mexico) for the winter.

Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus). The pallid bat is two and a half to three inches long and has a one and a half to two and a quarter inch long tail. It weighs a half to one and one sixteenth ounces. Its nose is reminiscent to that of a pig. It has wooly fur. Its coloring is paler then many species of bats. It is pale cream or light brown on the back and very pale to white on the torso. There are glands on the face of the pallid bat that emit a skunk-like odor that is probably used as a defense mechanism.

pallid bat photo

Pallid Bat.  Image Courtesy USGS.

The pallid bat's range stretches from western North America to Mexico. They are also found in Cuba. It prefers dry habitats and is present in a wide variety of habitats from grassland to scrubby desert. It even inhabits Death Valley in California, a desert of extreme heat

The pallid bat lives in groups. The colony roosts together during the day in rocky outcrops, trees or attics. They will rally each other together with piercing directive cries to locate their roost. Maternity colony size ranges from about 12 to 100 individuals. Roost sites include buildings, bridges, and rock crevices; less frequently, tree cavities, caves, and mines. Litter size is most commonly 2. The roost is frequently shared with T. brasiliensis and E. fuscus in the West. While groups of males tend to segregate during the nursery period (sometimes in the same building), other males are found within the maternity colony.

An interesting feature of pallid bats is that they fly close to the ground, may hover, and take most prey on the ground, not in flight. Prey includes crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, and scorpions. They will also forage among tree foliage. Pallid bats are not known to make long migrations, though little is known of their winter habits.

The breeding season of the pallid bat occurs only once per year beginning in October and lasting until the end of winter. Gestation or pregnancy usually lasts fifty three to seventy one days. The female pallid bat produces a litter of one or two young. Most litters have two young. Single births occur twenty percent of the time. They learn to fly at four to five weeks old and are weaned at six to eight weeks old. Both the male and the female pallid bat are sexually mature in less than a year and able to breed during their first breeding season. The maximum lifespan for this species in the wild is nine years. In captivity the maximum lifespan is eleven years.

California Myotis Bat. This species ranges from Southern Alaska and western Canada south ward through most of Mexico. It is one of the smallest bats in the United States occupying a variety of habitats in the Pacific Northwest and southern and western British Columbia, from the humid coastal forest to semi-desert, and from sea level to at least 1,800 meters (5,940 feet) elevation. In arid regions, it usually occurs in the vicinity of water. Individuals emerge shortly after sunset to for age, which continues at irregular intervals until dawn. Its flight is slow and erratic and it hunts primarily along margins of tree clumps, around the edge of the tree canopy, over water, and well above ground in open country.  California bats roost in rock crevices, hollow trees, spaces under loose bark, and in buildings. The sexes roost separately during summer when females form small maternity colonies, but occur together from September to March. California bats hibernate in caves and mines.

General Bat Biology. The California bat feeds on small flying insects, primarily flies, moths, and beetles. Its foraging strategy consists of locating and feeding in concentrations of insects where its slow maneuverable flight allows it to capture several insects in quick succession over a short distance.

Food Habits. Bats in North America are virtually all insectivorous, feeding on a variety of flying insects (exceptions among house bats were noted previously. Many of the insects are harmful to humans. While there must be some limitations based on such factors as bats’ body size, flight capabilities, and jaw opening, insectivorous bats apparently consume a wide range of prey. The little brown bat’s diet includes mayflies, midges, mosquitoes, caddis flies, moths, and beetles. It can consume insects equal to one-third of its body weight in 1/2 hour of foraging. The big brown bat may fill its stomach in about 1 hour (roughly 0.1 ounce per hour [2.7 g/hr]) with prey including beetles, moths, flying ants, true bugs, mayflies, caddis flies, and other insects. The nightly consumption of insects by a colony of bats can be extremely large.

General Biology, Reproduction, and Behavior. Most North American bats emit high frequency sounds (ultrasound) inaudible to humans and similar to sonar, in order to avoid obstacles, locate and capture insect prey, and to communicate. Bats also emit audible sounds that may be used for communication between them.

Bats generally mate in the fall and winter, but the female retains the sperm in the uterus until spring, when ovulation and fertilization take place. Pregnant females may congregate in maternity colonies in buildings, behind chimneys, beneath bridges, in tree hollows, caves, mines, or other dark retreats. No nests are built. Births typically occur from May through July. Young bats grow rapidly and are able to fly within 3 weeks. Weaning occurs in July and August, after which the nursery colonies disperse.

Bats prepare for winter around the time of the first frost. Some species migrate relatively short distances, whereas certain populations of the Mexican free-tailed bat may migrate up to 1,000 miles (1,600 km). Bats in the northern United States and Canada may hibernate from September through May. Hibernation for the same species in the southern part of their range may be shorter or even sporadic. Some may fly during warm winter spells (as big brown bats may in the northeastern part of the United States). Bats often live more than 10 years.

In response to a variety of human activities, direct and indirect, several bat species in the United States have declined in number during the past few decades. Chemical pesticides (particularly the use of persistent and bioaccumulating organic pesticides) have decreased the insect supply, and contaminated insects ingested by bats have reduced bat populations. Many bats die when people disturb summer maternity roosts and winter hibernacula. Vandals and other irresponsible individuals may deliberately kill bats in caves and other roosts. Even the activities of speleologists or biologists may unintentionally disturb hibernating bats, which depletes fat reserves needed for hibernation.

Modification and destruction of roost sites has also decreased bat numbers. Sealing and flooding of mineshafts and caves and general quarrying operations may inadvertently ruin bat harborages. Forestry practices have reduced the number of hollow trees available. Some of the elimination of natural bat habitat may contribute to bats roosting in buildings.

Damage and Damage Identification. Bats often fly about swimming pools, from which they drink or catch insects. White light (with an ultraviolet component), commonly used for porch lights, building illumination, street and parking-lot lights, may attract flying insects, which in turn attract bats. Unfortunately, the mere presence of a bat outdoors is sometimes beyond the tolerance of some uninformed people. Information is a good remedy for such situations.

Bats commonly enter buildings through openings associated with the roof edge and valleys, eaves, apex of the gable, chimney, attic or roof vent, dormers, and siding.

Other openings may be found under loose-fitting doors, around windows, gaps around various conduits (wiring, plumbing, air conditioning) that pass through walls, and through utility vents.

Bats are able to squeeze through narrow slits and cracks. For purposes of bat management, one should pay attention to any gap of approximately 1/4 x 1 1/2 inches (0.6 x 3.8 cm) or a hole 5/8 x 7/8 inch (1.6 x 2.2 cm). Such openings must be considered potential entries for at least the smaller species, such as the little brown bat. The smaller species require an opening no wider than 3/8 inch (0.95 cm), that is, a hole the diameter of a US 10-cent coin. Openings of these dimensions are not uncommon in older wood frame structures where boards have shrunk, warped, or otherwise become loosened.

The discovery of one or two bats in a house is a frequent problem. In the Northeast, big brown bats probably account for most sudden appearances. Common in urban areas, they often enter homes through open windows or unscreened fireplaces. If unused chimneys are selected for summer roosts, bats may fall or crawl through the open damper into the house. Sometimes bats may appear in a room, and then disappear by crawling under a door to another room, hallway, or closet. They may also disappear behind curtains, wall hangings, bookcases, under beds, into waste baskets, and so forth. Locating and removing individual bats from living quarters can be laborious but is important. If all else fails, wait until dusk when the bat may appear once again as it attempts to find an exit. Since big brown bats may hibernate in the cooler recesses of heated buildings, they may suddenly appear (flying indoors or outdoors) in midwinter during a warm spell or a cold snap as they move about to adjust to the temperature shift.

Roosting Sites. Bats use roosting niches that are indoors (human dwellings, outbuildings, livestock quarters, warehouses), semi-enclosed (loading docks, entrance foyers), partially sheltered (porches, carports, pavilions, highway underpasses, bridges), and open structural areas (window shutters, signs). Once there, active bats in and on buildings can have several economic and aesthetic effects, often intertwined with public health issues. Unusual roosting areas include wells, sewers, and graveyard crypts. Before considering control measures, verify that bats are actually the cause of the problem.

Rub Marks. Surface areas on walls, under loose woodwork, between bricks and around other bat entryways often have a smooth, polished appearance. The stained area is slightly sticky, may contain a few bat hairs, and is yellow-brown to blackish brown in color. The smooth gloss of these rub marks is due to oils from fur and other bodily secretions mixed with dust, deposited there as many animals pass repeatedly for a long period over the same surface. Openings marked in this way have been used heavily by bats.

Noise. Disturbing sounds may be heard from vocalizations and grooming, scratching, crawling, or climbing in attics, under eaves, behind walls, and between floors. Bats become particularly noisy on hot days in attics, before leaving the roost at dusk, and upon returning at dawn. Note that rustling sounds in chimneys may be caused by birds or raccoons and scratching and thumping sounds in attics and behind walls may indicate rats, mice, or squirrels.

Guano and Urine. Fecal pellets indicate the presence of animals and are found on attic floors, in wall recesses, and outside the house at its base. Fecal pellets along and inside walls may indicate the presence of mice, rats, or even roaches. Since most house bats north of Mexico are insectivorous, their droppings are easily distinguished from those of small rodents. Bat droppings tend to be segmented, elongated, and friable. When crushed, they become powdery and reveal shiny bits of undigested insect remains. In contrast, mice and rat droppings tend to taper, are unsegmented, are harder and more fibrous, and do not become powdery when crushed (unless extremely aged).

The droppings of some birds and lizards may occasionally be found along with those of bats. However, bat droppings never contain the white chalky material characteristic of the feces of these other animals.

Bat excrement produces an unpleasant odor as it decomposes in attics, wall spaces, and other voids. The pungent, musty, acrid odor can often be detected from outside a building containing a large or long-term colony. Similar odor problems occur when animals die in inaccessible locations. The odor also attracts arthropods which may later invade other areas of a building.

Bat guano may provide a growth medium for microorganisms, some of which are pathogenic (histoplasmosis, for example) to humans. Guano accumulations may fill spaces between walls, floors, and ceilings. It may create a safety hazard on floors, steps, and ladders, and may even collapse ceilings. Accumulations also result in the staining of ceilings, soffits, and siding, producing unsightly and unsanitary conditions.

Bats also urinate and defecate in flight, causing multiple spotting and staining on sides of buildings, windows, patio furniture, automobiles, and other objects at and near entry/exit holes or beneath roosts. Bat excrement may also contaminate stored food, commercial products, and work surfaces.

Bat urine readily crystallizes at room temperature. In warm conditions under roofs exposed to sun and on chimney walls, the urine evaporates so quickly that it crystallizes in great accumulations. Boards and beams saturated with urine acquire a whitish powder-like coating. With large numbers of bats, thick and hard stalactites and stalagmites of crystallized bat urine are occasionally formed.

Although the fresh urine of a single bat is relatively odorless, that of any moderate-sized colony is obvious, and the odor increases during damp weather. Over a long period of time urine may cause mild wood deterioration (Frantz and Trimarchi 1984). As the urine saturates the surfaces of dry wood beams and crystallizes, the wood fibers expand and separate. These fibers then are torn loose by the bats crawling over such surfaces, resulting in wood fibers being mixed with guano accumulations underneath.

The close proximity of bat roosts to human living quarters can result in excreta, animal dander, fragments of arthropods, and various microorganisms entering air ducts as well as falling onto the unfortunate residents below. Such contaminants can result in airborne particles of public health significance.

Bat Echolocation. This is a perceptual system where ultrasonic sounds are emitted specifically to produce echoes. By comparing the outgoing pulse with the returning echoes the brain and auditory nervous system can produce detailed images of the bat's surroundings. This allows bats to detect, localize and even classify their prey in complete darkness. At 130 decibels in intensity, bat calls are some of the most intense airborne animal sounds.[17]

To clearly distinguish returning information, bats must be able to separate their calls from the echoes they receive. Microbats use two distinct approaches.

1.Low Duty Cycle Echolocation: Bats can separate their calls and returning echoes in time. Bats that use this approach time their short calls to finish before echoes return. This is important because these bats contract their middle ear muscles when emitting a call to avoid deafening themselves. The time interval between call and echo allows them to relax these muscles so they can clearly hear the returning echo.  The delay of the returning echoes provides the bat with the ability to estimate range to their prey.

2. High Duty Cycle Echolocation: Bats emit a continuous call and separate pulse and echo in frequency. The ears of these bats are sharply tuned to a specific frequency range. They emit calls outside of this range to avoid self-deafening. They then receive echoes back at the finely tuned frequency range by taking advantage of the Doppler shift of their motion in flight. The Doppler shift of the returning echoes yield information relating to the motion and location of the bat's prey. These bats must deal with changes in the Doppler shift due to changes in their flight speed. They have adapted to change their pulse emission frequency in relation to their flight speed so echoes still return in the optimal hearing range.

Two groups of moths exploit a bat sense to echolocate: tiger moths produce ultrasonic signals to warn the bats that they (the moths) are chemically protected or aposematic. This was once thought to be the biological equivalent of "radar jamming", but this theory has yet to be confirmed. The moths Noctuidae have a hearing organ called a tympanum, which responds to an incoming bat signal by causing the moth's flight muscles to twitch erratically, sending the moth into random evasive maneuvers.

Bat Exclusion and Removal. Bats often fly about swimming pools, from which they drink or catch insects. White light (with an ultraviolet component), commonly used for porch lights, building illumination, street and parking-lot lights, may attract flying insects, which in turn attract bats. Unfortunately, the mere presence of a bat outdoors is sometimes beyond the tolerance of some uninformed people. Information is a good remedy for such situations.

Bats commonly enter buildings through openings associated with the roof edge and valleys, eaves, apex of the gable, chimney, attic or roof vent, dormers, and siding. Other openings may be found under loose-fitting doors, around windows, gaps around various conduits (wiring, plumbing, air conditioning) that pass through walls, and through utility vents.

Bats are able to squeeze through narrow slits and cracks. For purposes of bat management, one should pay attention to any gap of approximately 1/4 x 1 1/2 inches (0.6 x 3.8 cm) or a hole 5/8 x 7/8 inch (1.6 x 2.2 cm). Such openings must be considered potential entries for at least the smaller species, such as the little brown bat. The smaller species require an opening no wider than 3/8 inch (0.95 cm), that is, a hole the diameter of a US 10-cent coin (Greenhall 1982). Openings of these dimensions are not uncommon in older wood frame structures where boards have shrunk, warped, or otherwise become loosened.

The discovery of one or two bats in a house is a frequent problem. In the Northeast, big brown bats probably account for most sudden appearances (see Figs. 3 and 8). Common in urban areas, they often enter homes through open windows or unscreened fireplaces. If unused chimneys are selected for summer roosts, bats may fall or crawl through the open damper into the house. Sometimes bats may appear in a room, and then disappear by crawling under a door to another room, hallway, or closet. They may also disappear behind curtains, wall hangings, bookcases, under beds, into waste baskets, and so forth. Locating and removing individual bats from living quarters can be laborious but is important. If all else fails, wait until dusk when the bat may appear once again as it attempts to find an exit. Since big brown bats may hibernate in the cooler recesses of heated buildings, they may suddenly appear (flying indoors or outdoors) in midwinter during a warm spell or a cold snap as they move about to adjust to the temperature shift.

Rabies and Other Diseases Associated With Bats. Rabies is a preventable viral disease of mammals most often transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. The vast majority of rabies cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) each year occur in wild animals like raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes.


The rabies virus infects the central nervous system, ultimately causing disease in the brain and death. The early symptoms of rabies in people are similar to that of many other illnesses, including fever, headache, and general weakness or discomfort. As the disease progresses, more specific symptoms appear and may include insomnia, anxiety, confusion, slight or partial paralysis, excitation, hallucinations, agitation, increased salivation, difficulty swallowing, and hydrophobia (fear of water). Death usually occurs within days of the onset of these symptoms.


Rabies virus is transmitted through saliva and brain/nervous system tissue. Only these specific bodily excretions and tissues transmit rabies virus. If contact with either of these has occurred, the type of exposure should be evaluated to determine if post-exposure prophylaxis is necessary. Contact such as petting or handling an animal, or contact with blood, urine or feces does not constitute an exposure. No post-exposure prophylaxis is needed in these situations. Rabies virus becomes noninfectious when it dries out and when it is exposed to sunlight. Different environmental conditions affect the rate at which the virus becomes inactive, but in general, if the material containing the virus is dry, the virus can be considered noninfectious.

Although all species of mammals are susceptible to rabies virus infection, only a few species are important as reservoirs for the disease. In the United States, several distinct rabies virus variants have been identified in terrestrial mammals, including raccoons, skunks, foxes, and coyotes. In addition to these terrestrial reservoirs, several species of insectivorous bats are also reservoirs for rabies.

Map of rabies reservoirs in the United States


                                                                  Map of Terrestrial Rabies Reservoirs in the United States during 2008. Image Courtesy CDC,


The only well-documented cases of rabies caused by human-to-human transmission occurred among eight recipients of transplanted corneas, and among three recipients of solid organs. Guidelines for acceptance of suitable cornea and organ donations, as well as the rarity of human rabies in the United States, reduce this risk.

In addition to transmission from cornea and organ transplants, bite and non-bite exposures inflicted by infected humans could theoretically transmit rabies, but no such cases have been documented. Casual contact, such as touching a person with rabies or contact with non-infectious fluid or tissue (urine, blood, and feces) does not constitute an exposure and does not require post exposure prophylaxis.

In addition, contact with someone who is receiving rabies vaccination does not constitute rabies exposure and does not require post-exposure prophylaxis.


The first symptoms of rabies may be very similar to those of the flu including general weakness or discomfort, fever, or headache. These symptoms may last for days. There may be also discomfort or a prickling or itching sensation at the site of bite, progressing within days to symptoms of cerebral dysfunction, anxiety, confusion, agitation. As the disease progresses, the person may experience delirium, abnormal behavior, hallucinations, and insomnia. The acute period of disease typically ends after 2 to 10 days. Once clinical signs of rabies appear, the disease is nearly always fatal, and treatment is typically supportive. Disease prevention includes administration of both passive antibody, through an injection of human immune globulin and a round of injections with rabies vaccine.

Once a person begins to exhibit signs of the disease, survival is rare. To date less than 10 documented cases of human survival from clinical rabies have been reported and only two have not had a history of pre- or post-exposure prophylaxis.

.                     33.  Porcupines are nocturnal animals and active all year; however, much time is spent resting in trees “called “rest trees”.

                      34. The best baits for porcupine traps are “strips of plywood” or other absorbent woods, cloths, or sponges soaked in salt water.

                      35. Coyotes will typically bite the throat just behind the jaw and below the ear when attacking adult sheep or goats, with death commonly resulting

                           “from suffocation”.

                      36. A recent study of 145 ranches where “guard llamas were used” to protect sheep revealed that average losses of sheep to predators decreased

                            from 26 to 8 per year after llamas were employed.

                      37. The USDA estimates that total deer damage from “auto collisions” and crop and timber losses reaches at least $3 billion a year

                      38. Bats rely on reflection of “high-pitched squeaks” they emit to avoid collisions and to determine location of prey.

                      39. Contact such as petting or handling an animal, or “contact with blood, urine or feces” does not constitute an exposure to rabies.